Preparation of high-purity monodisperse silica microspheres by the sol-gel method coupled with polym

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen17981
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Ultra-pure mesoporous silica microspheres with good monodispersity were synthesized in two steps:nanometer-sized silica sol was produced by the sol-gel process,then micrometer-sized silica microspheres were synthesized by polymerization-induced colloid aggregation of the silica sol.The total metal content of the microspheres was extremely low,which eliminated the tailing of chromatographic peaks by chelating reagents.The pore structure of the silica microspheres could be controlled by altering the sol-gel conditions.The silica microsphere particle size could be adjusted by using different polymerizationinduced colloid aggregation conditions. Ultra-pure mesoporous silica microspheres with good monodispersity were synthesized in two steps: nanometer-sized silica sol was produced by the sol-gel process, then micrometer-sized silica microspheres were synthesized by polymerization-induced colloid aggregation of the silica sol. metal content of the microspheres was extremely low, which eliminated the tailing of chromatographic peaks by chelating reagents. The pore structure of the silica microspheres could be controlled by altering the sol-gel conditions. The silica microsphere particle size could be adjusted by using different polymerizationinduced colloid aggregation conditions.
We propose a twin-array capacitance(TAC) sensor for the measurement of concentration,velocity,and flowrate of gas-solid two-phase flow.Using the sensitivity non
我院自 1994年 1月开始应用腹腔内注射白细胞介素 - 2 (IL- 2 )的方法治疗消化系统肿瘤恶性腹水 ,现将疗效报告如下。1 资料与方法1 1 一般资料  5 6例恶性腹水患者中男 2 9
目的 :观察慢性乙型肝炎 (CHB)患者经 α-干扰素 (IFN- α)抗病毒治疗前后血清中白细胞介素 - 2 (IL- 2 )和可溶性白细胞介素 - 2受体 (s IL- 2 R)水平的变化与乙肝病毒消长
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