Evaluation of clinical relevance of examining K-ras, p16 and p53 mutations along with allelic losses

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifeng58
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AIM: To establish an optimum combination of molecular markers resulting in best overall diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for evaluation of suspicious pancreatic mass. METHODS: Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNA) was performed on 101 consecutive patients (63 males, 38 females, 60 ± 12 years; 81 with subsequently diagnosed pancreatic cancer, 20 with chronic pancreatitis) with focal pancreatic mass. Samples were evaluated on-site by an experienced cytopathologist. DNA was extracted from Giemsa stained cells selected by laser microdissection and the presence of K-ras, p53 and p16 somatic mutations was tested by cycling-gradient capillary electrophoresis (CGCE) and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) techniques. In addition, allelic losses of tumor suppressor genes p16 (INK4, CDKN2A) and DPC4 (MADH4, SMAD4) were detected by monitoring the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 9p and 18q, respectively. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity of EUS-guided FNA were 75% and 85%, positive and negative predictivevalue reached 100%. The remaining 26% samples were assigned as inconclusive. Testing of molecular markers revealed sensitivity and specificity of 70% and 100% for K-ras mutations (P < 0.001), 24% and 90% for p53 mutations (NS), 13% and 100% for p16 mutations (NS), 85% and 64% for allelic losses at 9p (P < 0.001) and 78% and 57% for allelic losses at 18q (P < 0.05). When tests for different molecular markers were combined, the best results were obtained with K-ras + LOH at 9p (92% and 64%, P < 0.001), K-ras + LOH at 18q (92% and 57%, P < 0.001), and K-ras + LOH 9q + LOH 18q (96% and 43%, P < 0.001). When the molecular markers were used as complements to FNA cytology to evaluate inconclusive samples only, the overall sensitivity of cancer detection was 100% in all patients enrolled in the study. CONCLUSION: EUS-guided FNA cytology combined with screening of K-ras mutations and allelic losses of tumor suppressors p16 and DPC4 represents a very sensitive approach in screening for pancreatic malignancy. Molecular markers may find its use particularly in cases where FNA cytology has been inconclusive. AIM: To establish an optimum combination of molecular markers resulting in best overall diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for evaluation of suspicious pancreatic mass. METHODS: Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) -guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNA) was performed on 101 consecutive patients , 38 females, 60 ± 12 years; 81 with subsequently pancreatic cancer, 20 with chronic pancreatitis) with focal pancreatic mass. Samples were evaluated on-site by an experienced cytopathologist. DNA was extracted from Giemsa stained cells selected by laser microdissection and the Presence of K-ras, p53 and p16 somatic mutations was tested by cycling-gradient capillary electrophoresis (CGCE) and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) techniques. In addition, allelic losses of tumor suppressor genes pl6 (INK4, CDKN2A) and DPC4 (MADH4, SMAD4) were detected by monitoring the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 9p and 18q, respectively. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity of E The remaining 26% samples were assigned as inconclusive. Testing of molecular markers revealed sensitivity and specificity of 70% and 100% for K-ras mutations (P <0.001), 24% and 90% for p53 mutations (NS), 13% and 100% for p16 mutations When tests for different molecular markers were combined, the best results were obtained with K-ras + LOH at 9p (92% and 64%, P <0.001), K-ras + LOH at 18q (92% and 57%, P <0.001), and K-ras + LOH 9q + LOH 18q (96% and 43%, P <0.001). When the molecular markers were used as complements to FNA cytology to evaluate inconclusive samples only, the overall sensitivity of cancer detection was 100% in all patients enrolled in the study. CONCLUSION: EUS-guided FNA cytology combined with screening of K-ras mutations and allelic losses of tumor suppressors p16 and DPC4represents a very sensitive approach in screening for pancreatic malignancy. Molecular markers may find its use particularly in cases where FNA cytology has been inconclusive.
目的 探讨曲安奈德(TA)玻璃体内注射辅助玻璃体切除术对降低手术操作难度及提高手术效果的意义.方法 不同原因导致的玻璃体视网膜疾病需行玻璃体切除术治疗的41例(44眼),分为
1 系统概览rn针对不便搬移到检测实验室进行测试的在用无线电发射设备,世纪德辰公司推出了一套基于现场检测应用的全自动测试系统,可用于在用无线电发射设备的现场检测以及大
“咔嚓……咔嚓……”咦,這声音是从哪里传出来的啊?哦,原来是我们班正在举行一场别开生面的嗑瓜子大赛呢!  于老师看了一眼手表,一声令下:“3,2,1,预备,开始!”我们好像一只只小老鼠,争分夺秒地嗑起来。我偷偷往左边一瞅,只见王梓骁轻轻地拿起瓜子,小心翼翼地用门牙把尖头一嗑,只听“咔嚓”一声,壳炸开了,白白胖胖的瓜子仁像一个顽皮的小猴子跳到了桌子上。真像他所说的那样:“张飞吃豆芽——小菜一碟。” 
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AIM: To investigate the role of endogenous pain modulatory mechanisms in the central sensitization implicated by the visceral hypersensitivity demonstrated in p