Experimental study of“Tong Xia”purgative method in ameliorating lung injury in acute necrotizing pan

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guo20
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AIM To investigate the role of tumor necrosisfactor(TNF)in lung injury during acutenecrotizing pancreatitis(ANP),and thetherapeutic effect of“Tong Xia”purgativemethod in minimizing the severity of lung injury.METHODS Fourteen canines were randomlydivided into 3 groups:the“Tong Xia”treatmentgroup(n = 5)using Dachengqitang;salinecontrol group(n = 5),and the sham operationgroup(n = 4).TNF activity in serum and inbronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF),the serumendotoxin levels were measured,and theseverity of lung injury evaluated.RESULTS Elevation of TNF activity was moreprominent in BALF than in serum.TNF activity inserum at 6 and 12 hours and in BALI:wassignificantly decreased in the“Tong Xia”treatment group than in the saline control one(q=21.11,q=12.07,q=9.03,respectively,P<0.01)and the lung injury was significantlyalleviated at 12 hours as compared with that inthe saline group,manifested as amelioration otthe lung wet/ dry weight ratio,decrease inprotein concentration and neutrophils count inBALF,and improvement of pulmonaryinflammatory changes.A positive correlationwas demonstrated between serum TNF activity and endotoxin level.CONCLUSION Hypersecretion of TNF is shownto be one of the major causes of lung injuryduring ANP;“Tong Xia”purgative method couldalleviate the degree of lung injury mediated byTNF. AIM To investigate the role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in lung injury during acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP), and the therapeutic effect of “Tong Xia” purgativemethod in minimizing the severity of lung injury. METHODS Fourteen canines were randomlydivided into 3 groups: the (N = 5) using Dachengqitang; saline control group (n = 5), and the sham operation group (n = 4). TNF activity in serum and inbronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) , and theseverity of lung injury as compared to BALF than in serum. one (q = 21.11, q = 12.07, q = 9.03, respectively, P <0.01) and the lung injury was significantlyalleviated at 12 hours as compared with that inthe saline group, manifested as amelioration otthe lung wet / dry weight ratio, decrease in protein concentration and neutrophi ls count inBALF, and improvement of pulmonaryinflammatory changes. A positive correlation was demonstrated between serum TNF activity and endotoxin levels. CONCLUSION Hypersecretion of TNF is shownto be one of the major causes of lung injuryduring ANP; “Tong Xia ” purgative method couldalleviate the degree of lung injury mediated by TNF.
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Objective: To evaluate an occupational therapy intervention to improve outdoo r mobility after stroke. Design: Randomised controlled trial. Setting General pr a
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