
来源 :中共宁波市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junyan04
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逍林镇地处长江三角洲经济发达的沪杭甬三角地区的杭州湾南岸,是慈溪市农工贸全面发展的经济强镇。近年来,该镇经济持续高速发展,城镇面貌日新月异,人民生活日益富足。1995年跨入浙江省百强乡镇行列,1997年被列为宁波市综合经济实力廿强镇,1998年又被列为宁波市小城镇综合改革试点镇。到2001年底,国内生产总值突破十亿元大关,实现农业总产值6575万元,工业总产值35.6亿元,财政总收入1.08亿元,农民人均收入7512元。逍林镇工业发达,以生产电子产品、玩具鞋类、汽车配件、五金塑料、邮电通讯产品、童车等为主,是远近闻名的轻工之乡。到2001年底出口创汇3亿元。全镇九百多家综合性个私企业,如雨后春笋,发展迅速。农业产业化迈出了新的步伐,大力 Xiao Lin town is located in the Yangtze River Delta economically developed Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo delta south bank of Hangzhou Bay, Cixi City, agricultural comprehensive development of economic town. In recent years, the town has enjoyed sustained and rapid economic growth, an ever-changing urban landscape, and an increasingly prosperous people’s life. In 1995 entered the ranks of top 100 towns and villages in Zhejiang Province, 1997 was listed as the city of Ningbo comprehensive economic strength 20 stronghold, 1998 was again classified as a comprehensive reform pilot town of Ningbo City. By the end of 2001, the gross domestic product (GDP) exceeded the one billion yuan mark, realizing a total agricultural output value of 65.75 million yuan, a total industrial output value of 3.56 billion yuan, a total fiscal revenue of 108 million yuan and a per capita income of farmers of 7512 yuan. Xiao Lin industrial development, production of electronic products, toys and footwear, auto parts, hardware and plastic, post and telecommunications products, such as stroller-based, is well-known hometown of light industry. By the end of 2001, it had exported 300 million yuan of foreign exchange. The town of more than 900 comprehensive private enterprises, springing up, the rapid development. Agricultural industrialization has taken new steps and vigorously
To determinate the water diffusion coefficients and dynamics in adhesive/carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite joints,energy dispersive X-ray spectrosco
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