Plant Resistance to Pest and Research Progress of Its Genetic Improvement

来源 :Plant Diseases and Pests | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhmfly
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Pest damage is a significant factor that cuts agricultural production,and cultivation of pest-resistant varieties is the most economic and effective approach of controlling pest damage. Plant pest resistance includes antixenosis,antibiosis,and tolerance. Current popular methods for the genetic improvement of crop pest resistance are traditional breeding method,transgenic breeding,and molecular mark-assisted breeding. This paper introduced major mechanisms and genetic bases of plant pest resistance,and reviewed research progress of domestic and international genetic improvement of plant pest resistance,analyzed the problems and its development prospects. Pest damage is a significant factor that cuts agricultural production, and cultivation of pest-resistant varieties is the most economic and effective approach of controlling pest damage. pest resistance are traditional breeding method, transgenic breeding, and molecular mark-assisted breeding. This paper introduced major mechanisms and genetic bases of plant pest resistance, and reviewed research progress of domestic and international genetic improvement of plant pest resistance, analyzed the problems and its development prospects.
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