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A look at China’s favorite sweet porridge腊八粥不仅是传统的冬日美食,还有一段和佛陀相关的渊源Amidst the gluttony-inducing holiday season,labazhou(腊八粥)is a simple,humble dish that keeps you connected to tradition and the true holiday spirit.Laba refers to the Laba Festival,which falls on the eighth day of the 12th lunar month on the Chinese Amidst the gluttony-inducing holiday season, labazhou is a simple, humble dish that keeps you connected to tradition and the true holiday spirit.Laba refers to the Laba Festival, which falls on the eighth day of the 12th lunar month on the Chinese
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The Sketch Book is a collection of 22beautiful essays by celebrated writers and scholars on different people and customs across China.Complete with original pho
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[摘 要] 随着大学生主流群体成员的变化,其个性特点与成长需求都在发生着明显的改变。深度辅导理念的积极引入有助于当前大学生思想政治教育工作的精细化、辅导员专业化与职业化进程,其根本目的也是为了更好地提升辅导员思政工作的针对性与实效性。同时,积极推动深度辅导工作是实现辅导员工作精细化发展的新尝试,更是实现学生健康成长的新途径。  [关 键 词] 精细化;深度辅导;必要性  [中图分类号] G710
Is Qu Guangci(瞿文慈)an artist or a businessman?If you search for the artist online,the controversial topics of his role and integrity appear in almost all inte
今年夏天北京的天气实在是热热热,偏偏这样的天气下还有不少人害了感冒。网络也是一样,冷热交加,让人说不清楚。 今天谢霆锋网上扮酷,明天章子怡e网情深。听听周围朋友的高
国内经历了门户(portal)、内容(ICP)以及电子商务(B2C)一路的调整和“争夺”之后,“2B or not 2B?”成为现存的众多互联网公司和意欲“触网”的公司考虑最多的问题。越来越