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有人说,俄罗斯的改革是戏剧性的,也有人讲,俄罗斯的改革是悲剧性的.见智也好.见仁也罢,至少有一点已逐渐形成共识,那就是“休克疗法”的代价实在太大了.痛定思痛,不少俄罗斯及东欧国家的著名经济学家对此作出了认真的反思,并且提出了不少新的设想和建议.本刊在此选载一部分.其中有不少见解很值得正在从事市场化改革的中国人回味.话说至此,突然想起一件事:最近听一些来华访问的俄罗斯经济学家说,许多接待他们的中国学者和官员都表示出对“休克疗法”的相当兴趣,这使俄罗斯客人十分惊讶.因为在俄罗斯国内,越来越多的人正在越来越感兴趣于中国的渐进式改革.由此形成的反差,真令人百思而不得其解.也许,如同钱钟书先生在《围城》中所说的,人生就象围城,里面的人想冲出来,外面的人想冲进去,这似乎已成了一种规律;也许,中国人做惯了学生,对自己的东西总感到有些土,有些不放心;也许,历经十多年的摸石头生涯以后,产生了厌烦情绪,出现了躁动不安,加之当前许多社会经济问题一时难以解决,逆反心理也就油然而生;也许还有更多的也许……然而不管怎么样,有两点是肯定的:一是改革开放不能变;二是必须结合中国国情,寻求出一条社会成本最小、发展效益最大的途径.为此,不妨多听听各种不同的声音,然后再思考、再探索、再发展 Some people say that Russia’s reform is dramatic, while others say that Russia’s reform is tragic. Seeing wisdom is also a matter of opinion. At least one point has gradually come to a consensus that the cost of “shock therapy” is too great As a result, many famous economists in Russia and eastern European countries have made serious rethinkings and put forward many new ideas and suggestions, and we have selected some of them here, some of which are worthy of being engaged in As the saying goes, one thing suddenly remembers: A Russian economist who recently visited China said that many Chinese scholars and officials who received them have shown considerable interest in “shock therapy” This surprised the Russian guests, as more and more people in Russia are becoming more and more interested in the gradual reform in China, and the resulting contrast is really puzzling and puzzling. As Qian Qianshu said in Besieged City, life is like a siege of the city. People inside want to rush out and people outside want to rush in. This seems to have become a law; perhaps, the Chinese are accustomed to students, Perhaps, after more than a decade of touching a rock, boredom, agitation and unease in many of the current social and economic problems are unimaginable, and the rebelliousness is eloquent There may be more and more ... Perhaps, however, there are two affirmations: First, we can not change the course of reform and opening up; second, we must find a way of minimizing social costs and maximizing development benefits in light of China’s national conditions. For this reason, it may be better to listen to different voices and then to think about, explore and develop again
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