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糜奇瑜是重庆市秀山县人(原酉阳直隶州辖),清嘉庆十六年(1811年),任福建省台湾兵备道兼督学政,加授按察使。他在台湾当官的五年中,清正廉洁,勤慎理政,爱民如子,与百姓情如鱼水。在他《治台要略》一书中,我们可以了解到他办了几件攸关民生的大事。一是解决了地方派 Miqi Yu is a native of Xiushan County, Chongqing Municipality (formerly Youyang Chihli Prefecture), Qing Jiaqing for 16 years (1811), and served as governor-general of Taiwan’s Bingbei Road in Fujian Province. During his five years in office as an official in Taiwan, he has been honest and honest, diligent and prudent in governing affairs, loving the people and making love with the people as his own. In his book “A Brief Guide to Managing Taiwan Affairs,” we can learn that he has done several important matters concerning people’s livelihood. First, solve the local school
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