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  一般来说,最常考查到的指代词是“it, they, these, those, the one, the former, the latter...”等词。对于这类指代题型,题干中一般都清楚地给出了代词出现的位置。由于代词出现的特点是,一定要有其所代表的实义名词在同句或相邻的句子中出现,所以要找出代词所指代的词,一定要求考生将前后句子的关系理顺。
  The High Street Market was continuously enlarged throughout the period until 1736, when it reached from Front Street to Third.
  4. The word ″it″ in line 6 refers to
  (A) the crowded city(B) a radius
  (C) the High Street Market(D) the period
  这道题本身对考生来说几乎没有很大的难度,因为it所出现的句子中,很明显it所指的就是句子主语The high Street Market。可以说,代词it,they,the one 类的指代题中,所指代的名词通常都不会超出两句以上的范围。所以集中理解所考查代词出现范围内的两三句话,注意逻辑关系、单复数问题,这类题目都可迎刃而解。
  The face of the largest planet in the solar system was changed before our very eyes. And for the very first time, most of humanity came to fully appreciate the fact that we ourselves live on a similar target, a world subject to catastrophe by random assaults from celestial bodies.
  31. The ″target″ in line 20 most probably referred to
  (A) Earth(B) Jupiter
  (C) the solar system(D) a comet
  这篇文章是讲到宇宙中的小星体撞击其他星球的问题。Target一词很容易理解是表示被撞击的目标。答案中的4个词都是文章中出现过的。但是如果考生用常识去理解的话,the fact that we ourselves live on a similar target,我们所居住的target就是the earth本身,意为地球也可以成为小星体撞击的目标。可以说,这道题的解决并不需要在文章中找到earth这个词,只需对句子正确理解即可。
  Potash (the old name for potassium carbonate) is one of the two alkalis (the other being soda, sodium carbonate) that were used from remote antiquity in the making of glass, and from the early Middle Ages in the making of soap: the former being the product of heating a mixture of alkali and sand, the latter a product of alkali and vegetable oil. Their importance in the communities of colonial North America need hardly be stressed.
  3.They phrase ″the latter″ in line 4 refers to
  (A) alkali (B) glass (C) sand (D) soap
   非常容易理解的是,出现the former, the latter的地方,上文一定提到过两个相应的事物。可是在短短的几行中,出现的成对的事物有:1.potash-soda, 2.glass-soap,3.alkali-sand. 其中alkali-sand是比较容易排除的,因为它是属于“the former”句中的,与“the latter”并不平行。接下来要解决的是句子主干的问题了。仔细观察一下,句子主干为: Potash is one of the two alkalis (the other being soda, sodium carbonate): the former being..., the latter... 其中的glass-soap出现之处是alkalis的定语从句,与the former, the latter 也不平行。由此可知,此处的the former指的是two alkalis之一potash,而the latter指的是另一种alkalis,soda。
  Line The geology of the Earth's surface is dominated by the particular properties of water. Present on Earth in solid, liquid, and gaseous states, water is exceptionally reactive. It dissolves, transports, and precipitates many chemical compounds and is constantly modifying the face of the Earth.
  (5) Evaporated from the oceans, water vapor forms clouds, some of which are transported by wind over the continents. Condensation from the clouds provides the essential agent of continental erosion: rain. Precipitated onto the ground, the water trickles down to form brooks, streams, and rivers, constituting what is called the hydrographic network. This immense polarized network channels the water toward a
  (10) single receptacle: an ocean. Gravity dominates this entire step in the cycle because
  water tends to minimize its potential energy by running from high altitudes toward the reference point that is sea level. The rate at which a molecule of water passes though the cycle is not random but is a measure of the relative size of the various reservoirs. If we define residence time as
  (15)the average time for a water molecule to pass through one of the three reservoirs-atmosphere, continent, and ocean-we see that the times are very different. A water molecule stays, on average, eleven days in the atmosphere, one hundred years on a continent and forty thousand years in the ocean. This last figure shows the importance of the ocean as the principal reservoir of the hydrosphere but also the rapidity of water
  (20)transport on the continents.
  A vast chemical separation process takes places during the flow of water over the continents. Soluble ions such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and some magnesium are dissolved and transported. Insoluble ions such as aluminum, iron, and silicon stay where they are and form the thin, fertile skin of soil on which vegetation can grow.
  (25) Sometimes soils are destroyed and transported mechanically during flooding. The erosion of the continents thus results from two closely linked and interdependent processes, chemical erosion and mechanical erosion. Their respective interactions and efficiency depend on different factors.
  1. The word ″which″ in line 5 refers to
  (A) clouds (B) oceans (C) continents (D) compounds
  2. The word ″they″ in line 24 refers to
  (A) insoluble ions (B)soluble ions (C)soils (D)continents
  Key: A A
  第一题的原句为:Evaporated from the oceans, water vapor forms clouds, some of which are transported by wind over the continents.根据定语从句知识,which所指代的是先行词some,那么some又是指代谁呢?阅读全句,前面刚刚提到的是clouds,故选A。
  第二题的原句为:Insoluble ions such as aluminum, iron, and silicon stay where they are and form the thin, fertile skin of soil on which vegetation can grow. 根据原句,句子主题为Insoluble ions,such as之后的都是其举例。那么后面的stay where they are中的they指的是前面所有的Insoluble ions。
  LineMatching the influx of foreign immigrants into the larger cities of the United States during the late nineteenth century was a domestic migration, from town and farm to city, within the United States. The country had been overwhelmingly rural at the beginning of the century, with less than 5 percent of Americans living in large towns
  (5) or cities. The proportion of urban population began to grow remarkably after 1840, increasing from 11 percent that year to 28 percent by 1880 and to 46 percent by 1900. A country with only 6 cities boasting a population of more than 8,000 in 1800 had become one with 545 such cities in 1900. Of these, 26 had a population of more than 100,000 including 3 that held more than a million people. Much of the migration
  (10) producing an urban society came from smaller towns within the United States, but the combination of new immigrants and old American ″settlers″ on America's ″urban frontier″ in the late nineteenth century proved extraordinary. The growth of cities and the process of industrialization fed on each other. The agricultural revolution stimulated many in the countryside to seek a new life in the city
  (15) and made it possible for fewer farmers to feed the large concentrations of people
  needed to provide a workforce for growing numbers of factories. Cities also provided ready and convenient markets for the products of industry, and huge contracts in transportation and construction-as well as the expanded market in consumer goods-allowed continued growth of the urban sector of the overall economy of the
  (20) Untied States.
  Technological developments further stimulated the process of urbanization. One example is the Bessemer converter (an industrial process for manufacturing steel), which provided steel girders for the construction of skyscrapers. The refining of crudeoil into kerosene, and later the development of electric lighting as well as of the
  (25)telephone, brought additional comforts to urban areas that were unavailable to ruralAmericans and helped attract many of them from the farms into the cities. In every era the lure of the city included a major psychological element for country people the bustle and social interaction of urban life seemed particularly intriguing to those raised in rural isolation.
  1. The phrase ″each other″ in line 13 refers to
  (A) foreign immigrants and domestic migrants
  (B) farms and small towns
  (C) growth of cities and industrialization
  (D) industry and transportation
  2. The word ″them″ in line 26 refers to
  (A) urban areas(B) rural Americans
  (C) farms(D) cities
  Key: C B
  第一题的原句是:The growth of cities and the process of industrialization fed on each other.非常明显,each other是两者间的关系,而前句提到的两者是The growth of cities和the process of industrialization。
  第二题原句为:...brought additional comforts to urban areas that were unavailable to rural
  Americans and helped attract many of them from the farms into the cities. 一般来说,代词所指代的词都会离该词不远。在这道题中,由句子意思可知,“帮助将他们从农村吸引到城市”,这里的“他们”最有可能是人,阅读全句,不难发现rural Americans是them所指代的。
中国证监会招聘海外专业人才  中国证监会近日在其官方网站上登出招聘公告,随着世界经济一体化和资本市场日益国际化,为大力发展中国证券期货市场,加强监管力量,诚聘海外专业人才。   公告提出的招聘条件有六项:熟悉国内外证券期货及金融市场运作及管理,有较高的战略眼光及政策、规则制定与执行、推动能力;善于将国内外实践经验进行融合,勇于创新,勤于思考,诚实守信,具有良好的团队合作和高度的敬业精神;在国(境)
英国文化协会最新公布的2005年IELTS(雅思)考试日程安排如下,考生可登录中国教育部IELTS网上报名网站,确认各考点每次考试的考试类型和报名额度。   以下按顺序分别是考试时间、考试类型、考点城市。(注:A/G表示该日期同时有学术类考试和培训类考试;A表示该日期仅有学术类考试)   08/01/2005星期六——A/ G——北京, 重庆, 广州, 杭州, 哈尔滨, 南京, 青岛,
人事部部长:吸引海外留学人才与引进外资同等重要  人事部部长张柏林近日表示,今后,中国将采取更加有效措施,把吸引优秀人才放在同引进外资、引进先进技术、引进现代化管理同等重要的地位,为广大留学人员回国创业创造更好的环境。   张柏林说,今后,中国政府有关部门将把留学人才纳入中国人才队伍建设的整体规划,把做好留学人员工作当作人才强国战略的重要任务,制订吸引海外高层次留学人员回国工作的办法,建立海
OECD:澳大利亚成了留学大国  据《星岛日报》巴黎报道,经济合作组织(OECD)在它对世界教育趋势发表的报告中说,澳大利亚是吸引留学生最多的五个国家之一。报告指出,澳大利亚是世界上留学生占总人口比率最高的国家,近18%的人口是在该国修读大专以上课程的海外学生。  OECD总部设在巴黎,该组织指出,以吸收外国留学生的总数上看,以澳大利亚、美国、英国、德国和法国的大学最多,吸引了大批的留学生到该国读
香港计划招收内地中学生  综合香港媒体报道,香港政府计划从2005年开始允许内地学生自费入读香港直资或私立中学。  据悉,内地学生入读香港直资学校及私立中学,不会获得香港政府资助,须自付学费;香港有关部门目前正在详细制定招生计划细节,包括内地学生限额和入学标准,还要考虑入境、保安、资源和人手等方面的配套措施。目前港府每年对每名就读直资中学的学生资助3万港元,对象仅限于香港居民。内地学生是以自费形式
丹麦是个重视国民教育的国度,也是世界上较早实行免费学历教育的国家之一。丹麦的大学和其他高等教育机构主要由丹麦教育部等政府部门管理,国家议会是丹麦教育立法机构,规定各级各类教育目的,并通过拨款法决定教育经费的数额和分配。    高等教育概况    丹麦的普通高等教育分为两部分,一是大学,二是职业学院。全国现在共有各类高等院校18所,其中5所为综合性大学,此外还有工学院、商学院、医疗学院、建筑学院、兽
一、申请赴德留学者需要提交的材料    1.三份认真填写的申请表(RK1200),分别贴上证件照;2.有效护照;3.德国大学的入学通知书(Zulas sungsbescheid)或入学申请证明(BeWerberbestaetigung);4.全部留学费用来源证明,可采取下列方式:  a)在德意志联邦共和国的银行账户上至少为一学年存12000马克的证明。每月取款不得超过1000马克。账户底数不得少于
雅思考试费用即将上调两百元  从2004年9月13日起,报名参加11月13日及以后的雅思(IELTS)考试的费用将从以前的人民币1250元上调至1450元。所有报名参加11月13日之前考试的考生不会受到影响。这是雅思考试三年来第一次调整费用,此次费用上调主要因为雅思考试成本的增加,考试本身并没有任何变化。  英国文化协会中国地区考试主管布伦丹(Brendan Mcsharry)表示:“近年来,由于
中国驻芬兰大使馆、芬兰驻中国使领馆查阅便览    中华人民共和国驻芬兰大使馆  大使:张直鉴(Zhang Zhijian)  地址:地址:Vanha kelkkamki 11, Kulosaari, 00570, Helsinki, Finland  电话:国家地区号0358-9   值班室0400618582,2890168(传真);领事处22890129/22890155(传真);办公处22