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如果从美学的层面上进行探讨,那么音乐的美学特征主要有以下几点。其一是抒情性。抒情性是音乐艺术的基本属性,对此,中外美学史上均有许多精辟的论述。我国汉代的《毛诗序》就说:“情动于中而形于言,言之不足故磋叹之,嗟叹之不足故咏歌之,……”(转引自《中国美学史资料选编》上册第130页,中华书局1980年版)德国美学家黑格尔也说:“音乐所特有的因素是单纯的内心方面的因素,即本身无形的情感。”(转引自《艺术特征论》第246页,文化艺术出版社1984年版)事实的确如此,音乐抒发情感的能力是巨大和惊人的,它不仅可以直接表现人类各种丰富复杂、细致微妙的情感情绪,而且可以直接触及人的心灵最深处,激发和宣泄人的 If we discuss it from the aesthetic level, the main aesthetic characteristics of music include the following points. One is lyricism. Lyricism is the basic attribute of music art, for which there are many incisive discourses in the history of Chinese and foreign aesthetics. Han Dynasty’s “Mao Poetry Preface” said: “Emotion in the form of words in the speech, the words of the lack of praise, the lack of sigh of praise song, ... ...” (quoted from “Selected Materials of Chinese Aesthetic History ”On the first page p. 130, Zhonghua Book Company 1980 edition) German aestheist Hegel also said:“ The unique factors of music are purely inner factors, that is, invisible emotion. ”(Quoted from the“ artistic characteristics ” P. 246, Culture and Arts Publishing House, 1984) Indeed, the ability of music to express emotions is tremendous and astounding. It not only shows directly the rich, complex and subtle emotional emotions of human beings, but also directly touches the human mind The deepest, inspire and vent people
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Kevin Shirley 人称“洞人(Caveman)” 的Kevin Shirley有很多的荣誉制作,包括Aerosmith(《Nine Lives》专辑)、Journey(《Trial by Fire》专辑)、Dream Theatre(《Falling