
来源 :中国公共卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allen_liliang
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食品的外观性状是食品内在质量的一种反映。通过感官检查可及时发现食品质量变化。因此食品感官检查被列为常规检验项目。笔者1990年对本地9县1市食品卫生监督机构食品检验情况进行调查并对食品感官检查方面存在的问题和提高感官检查质量进行讨论。1 食品感官检查存在的主要问题1.1 认识上不重视主观上认为感官检查不是判断食品卫生质量的主要依据,因而在检查时不按国家食品卫生检验标准要求对食品的色、香、味、形质逐项进行检查判断。个别县、市在部分食品检验时,甚至整个感官检查都被省略。1.2 操作中不规范检查中没有严格按照国家食品卫生检验标准的要求操作,如对酱油、醋等食品检查时,不按要求取样在具塞比 The appearance of food is a reflection of the inherent quality of food. Through the sensory examination can be found in time the quality of food changes. Therefore, sensory inspection of food is listed as routine inspection items. In 1990, the author investigated the food inspection of the food hygiene supervision agencies in 9 counties and 1 cities in the country and discussed the problems in the sensory inspection of food and the improvement of the quality of sensory examination. 1 food sensory inspection of the main problems 1.1 do not pay attention to the subjective sense that the sensory inspection is not the main basis for judging the quality of food hygiene, and therefore not in accordance with the national inspection requirements of food hygiene inspection of food color, smell, taste, quality Check the items one by one. In some counties and cities, part of the food inspection, and even the entire senses have been omitted. 1.2 The operation is not standardized Inspection is not strictly in accordance with the requirements of the national food hygiene inspection standards, such as soy sauce, vinegar and other food inspection, sampling not required in the plug with
目的:探讨集束化护理在ICU重症脑卒中患者护理中的价值.方法:2017 年2 月至2018 年2 月期间接收的ICU重症脑卒中患者中,抽取180 名进行研究,随机将其分为实验 1 组和实验 2
人们常说,爱情是靠培养出来的,家庭是靠经营出来的。但这个生活哲理在特警身上却成了悖论。家庭和爱情在他们那里,是用时间考验出来的。    单志洁:哥们,对不起!    单志洁是个心直口快的山东姑娘,恋爱时,她对男朋友说:“我没时间陪你整那些花前月下、甜言蜜语,你爱我吗?爱,拥抱,不爱,拉倒!”然而,女人天生一段柔肠。一次,两人本来约好见面,男朋友出来后,女子特警队临时要为一个外国贵宾团表演。单志洁简