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近日,中国人民公安大学新生军训中出现了一支特别的队伍,他们肤色发色各异,却都用中文喊着“左右左”“一二一”的口号行进,对教官的中文指令也可以正确快速作出反应,他们的训练时不时引来路人注目。他们是参加公安部第十二期国际执法联络员军训的35名外警学员。据悉,本期培训班学员是在公安大学进行军训的首批外国执法官员,分别来自意大利、法国、约旦、老挝、乌兹别克斯坦、伊朗、安哥拉等28个国家。本刊记者跟随外警学员对此次培训班进 Recently, there was a special team in the military training for new recruits to the Chinese People’s Public Security University. They all have different colors and colors, but they all use the slogan of Chinese shouting “Left and right” and “One and Two” Chinese instructions also respond correctly and quickly, and their training draws attention from time to time. They are 35 foreign police students who participated in the military training of the 12th International Law Enforcement Liaison Officer of the Ministry of Public Security. It is learned that the current training course participants are the first foreign law enforcement officials who conducted military training at the Public Security University. They are from 28 countries including Italy, France, Jordan, Laos, Uzbekistan, Iran and Angola. Correspondents follow the foreign police students into the training course
<正> 笼型异步电动机采用电子线路进行变压调速,不仅能获得较硬的机械特性,并可在较宽的范围内实现无级调速。由于目前对单相或三相异步电动机,采用这种调速方式的电路及控制