加快创新步伐 推动科技教育腾飞

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改革开放以来,特别是“九五”以来,全省上下认真贯彻邓小平同志关于“科学技术是第一生产力”的思想,全面落实教育优先发展战略,大力推进科教兴鄂战略实施,使我省科技、教育的改革与发展取得了令人瞩目的成就。但是,我们必须清醒地看到,科教兴鄂的战略意义还没有为各级领导干部充分认识,科技、教育与经济结合不紧,产学研一体化尚未全面形成,“两张皮”的问题还未从根本上得到解决;技术创新 Since the reform and opening up, especially since the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the province has conscientiously implemented Comrade Deng Xiaoping's thought of “science and technology being the primary productive force” from top to bottom and comprehensively implemented the education-first development strategy and vigorously pushed forward the strategy of prospering Hubei through science and education, Make our province science and technology, education reform and development made remarkable achievements. However, we must be soberly aware that the strategic significance of rejuvenating Hubei through science and education has not yet fully recognized the leading cadres at all levels. The combination of science, technology, education and economy is not tight, and the integration of industry, education and research has not yet taken shape. The “two skins” The problem has not yet been fundamentally resolved; technological innovation
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初生后,便要学会成长,蜕变后,就会变得强大!——题记初生蚕懒洋洋地在桑叶上蠕动着,这是初生的蚕。“李沁瑀,你来回答这个问题。”老师点到了我。我的心猛地一颤,连忙站起 A
患者 ,男 ,53岁。因右侧腰痛两月于 1998年 2月2 3日入院。两月前 ,在搬重物后感右侧腰痛 ,在外曾给予抗生素、中药、理疗等治疗 ,腰痛呈进行性加重。既往有高血压病史 10年
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1994年 5月~ 1999年 6月 ,我们对 12例Ⅰ、Ⅱ期乳腺癌患者进行乳腺区段切除术、术后放疗及192 铱组织间插植后装放疗 ,取得了较好的疗效 ,报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料