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黎小朵从丁莉莉家出来,拐过西堤路那个弯角时,破旧的音像店忽然传出唱歌的声音:泥娃娃,泥娃娃,一个泥娃娃,她有那眼睛,她有那嘴巴,眼睛不会眨……声音瓷瓷的、老老的,以为是男声,细听却是一个女子的音韵。黎小朵耳边便有另一个声音响起,琉璃又回到心里来了,密密匝匝的脚步,从心尖尖上踩过去——女儿琉璃两岁之后便会咿咿呀呀地唱歌,最先学会的就是这一首,临睡前她总是抱着布娃娃,自顾自地唱,一直到迷糊睡去。此刻,黎小朵的心里像有一根线穿了针,扯一下, Li Xiaotuo came out from Ding Lili home, turned the corner of the West Side Road, the old audio-visual shop suddenly heard the voice of singing: mud doll, mud doll, a mud doll, she had the eyes, she has that mouth, eyes Will not blink ... ... Porcelain voice, old age, that male voice, listen to it is a woman’s phonology. Li Xiaotao ear there will be another voice sounded, glass back to my heart, the compact turn of footsteps, stepping on from the tip of the apex - daughter of glass after two years of age will sing sobbingly, the first learned is This one, she always holding a rag doll before going to sleep, singing, until the sleepy. At the moment, Li Xiaoduo’s heart like wearing a needle thread, pull it,
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说明本年第十二期目录见卷首,未列入,最后一个括号中,圆点前表示期数,圆点后表示该期页数, 3。限于篇幅,专稿、特稿.港台法律研究等文章和资料从略。 政论与法学论坛中国和平
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