
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:exia0654
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在实际栽培中,有些盆栽花卉在既不是土壤问题,又没有肥害、病虫害的情况下,就是难以正常生长或者生长极其缓慢,令不少初学养花者头痛。笔者经过多年的实践,发现了一个行之有效的办法——沙埋复壮法。具体做法是:在地上挖一个深25厘米的池子(长宽视盆花多少而定),装入10厘米厚的黄沙,将需复壮的盆花放置沙上。然后在盆隙间填入黄沙,填沙高度为盆高的一半左右,使盆外壁紧贴黄沙,随即浇水于沙内。注意不要浇到盆内。以后经常保持黄沙湿润。因植物的根有向水性,盆中土面偏干,而盆下部周围则较潮湿,这样就迫使根系向下生长,以汲取足够的水分。如此一来,便促进了根系的生长,提高了根 In actual cultivation, some potted flowers in the soil is neither a problem, nor fat, pests and diseases, it is difficult to normal growth or growth is extremely slow, so many beginners who have a headache. After years of practice, I found an effective way - Sand Buried Rehabilitation Act. The specific practice is: dig a 25 cm deep pool on the ground (depending on the length of pots depending on how many), into 10 cm thick yellow sand, will need to rejuvenate the potted flowers on the sand. Then fill in the sand between the bowl of yellow sand, sand fill height of about half the pots, so that the outer wall of the basin close to the sand, then watering in the sand. Be careful not to pour into the basin. After often keep the yellow sand wet. Due to the watery nature of the roots of the plants, the soil in the pots is dry and the soil around the lower part of the pots is wetter. This forces the roots to grow downward to extract sufficient moisture. As a result, it will promote the growth of the root system, improve the root
  Background: The Chinese population has been undergoing a rapid transition to a high-fat diet.Furthermore,monosodium L-glutamate (MSG) is becoming widely use
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