新闻要改革 观念要更新——商恺谈近两年首都新闻界学术新观点

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去年9月间,中国社会科学院新闻研究所所长商恺在西北采访时,曾应邀向伊犁日报编辑部的同志介绍首都新闻界近两年的学术新观点。《伊犁日报通讯》总第150期刊登了刘奇同志根据记录摘要整理的这篇文字。现予转载,供读者参考。 In September last year, when Kai Kai, director of the Institute of Journalism at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, was interviewed in the northwest, he was invited to brief the comrades of the editorial department of Yili Daily about the new academic point of view in the capitalist press in the past two years. The first 150th issue of Ili Daily News published a commentary by Comrade Liu Qi on the basis of a summary record. Now for reproduced, for readers reference.
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本文旨在探寻滴灌施氮肥后赤红壤的酸化规律,以及土壤质地、种植作物和土壤水分等条件对其酸化进程的影响,并进一步探讨配合滴灌系统的土壤改良方法。 试验分四部分: (1)