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山东省济南市天桥区人民检察院在天桥区委和上级检察院的正确领导下,认真履行法律监督职责,在改革创新和服务大局中实现检察工作的全面发展,走过了辉煌的历程,取得了骄人的业绩:1985年被山东省人民检察院荣记集体二等功,成为全省第一家立功的基层检察院。之后,各项工作一直保持健康发展的良好势头,先后荣立一等功2次,二等功7次,三等功2次;4次被省、市检察院授 The People’s Procuratorate of Tianqiao District in Jinan City, under the correct leadership of the Flyover District Party Committee and the Procuratorate at the higher level, conscientiously performed its duties of legal supervision and realized the all-round development of procuratorial work in the overall reform, innovation and service aspects. The brilliant progress has been achieved and a proud Human performance: In 1985 by the Shandong Provincial People’s Procuratorate Wing Kee collective second-class work, become the province’s first meritorious grass-roots procuratorate. Since then, the work has maintained a good momentum of healthy development, has won the first class 2 times, second class 7 times, third class 2 times; 4 times by the provincial and municipal Procuratorate
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人大会上的“耻辱” 周玉和初到汨罗法院上任时,受到的“礼遇”非同一般。 2002年12月,在岳阳市中级人民法院民事庭当庭长的周玉和被中院院党组成员一致认定是汨罗法院院长
At the invitation of the Chinese Association for International Under-standing, the 83-person Japane-se Dawn Female Chorus headed by Mr. Hioki Masashi and Ms. Hi
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.