
来源 :中国数字电视 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinnanwc2
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有线电视系统由模拟向数字的整体转换正在全国铺开。各地不断创新经验,形成各具特色的推进模式。尤其是深圳,之前并未在“模式”或“经验”上大做文章,却率先通过广电总局验收,再次体现了特区的“深圳速度”。显然,深圳有很多经验值得各地学习,笔者以为其中很重要的一点是:舍得花大力气投资改造有线网络。国内外各大运营商的实践证明,要顺利进行数字电视整体转换,有效开展各类业务、凸现数字电视竞争力,获取广大用户的认同,就必须有一个良好的支撑平台,即优质的传输网络。目前,在推广数字电视的进程中,不少地方的用户反映“信号不好、数字还不如模拟”,导致投诉率居高不下、维护工作量大增,个别地方甚至无法发放机顶盒。究其原因,较差的网络质量首当其冲!本文从模数整体转换出发,主要阐述有线网络改造中的重点环节。 Cable television system from analog to digital overall conversion is spreading across the country. Throughout the continuous innovation experience, the formation of distinctive mode of advancement. Shenzhen, in particular, did not make a big fuss over the “model” or “experience” but took the lead to pass the acceptance of SARFT and once again demonstrated the “Shenzhen Speed” of the SAR. Obviously, Shenzhen has a lot of experience deserving to study all over the country. The author believes that one of the important points is that it is willing to invest heavily in transforming the wired network. The practice of major operators both at home and abroad proves that it is necessary to have a good supporting platform, that is, a high-quality transmission network, in order to successfully carry out overall digital television conversion, effectively carry out various types of businesses, highlight the competitiveness of digital television and acquire the recognition of users. . At present, in the process of promoting digital television, users in many places have reported that “the signal is not good and the number is not as good as the analogue,” leading to a high complaint rate and a huge increase in maintenance workload. In some places, it is even impossible to provide a set-top box. The reason, the worst network quality bear the brunt! This article starts from the overall conversion of modulus, mainly expounds the key links in the cable network transformation.
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