My School

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  I study in Nansha Primary School. My school is one hundred and nine years old,but it’s nice and clean. I have lots of friends here. Some of them are my teachers and they’re friendly to us. We know how to be a true person here. The school life is so interesting and colorful every day that it makes us happy. I love my school. I hope my school will be better and better in the future.
AIM:To study the value of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) for advanced gastric cancer by performing a meta-analysis of the published studies.METHODS:All publishe
导读:没有阳光的普照,万物将濒临死亡;没有阳光的普照,人类将无法前行。Good morning,sunshine,you are my only light,lying with me by my side,you keep me warm all day.
[摘 要] 英语学习是一个由不断“输入”到逐渐“输出”的演变过程。对高职高专学生来说,在同样经过13年的英语学习后,英语水平有着天壤之别,究其原因,在于高职高专生英语自主学习能力的差异上。因为仅靠记住教师讲解的单词和课文知识进行知识的迁移是远远不够的,它必须依靠学生的自主学习能力才能完成。针对当前的实际情况提出有效提高高职高专生英语自主学习能力的措施。   [关 键 词] 英语教学;自
September is National Childhood Obesity Month(全国儿童肥胖月), a major topic for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)(美国农业部). The agency’s program Healthier US School Challenge: Smarter Lunchrooms (HUSS
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
Today is my birthday. My friends come to my house. They give me a cake. It is big and nice. They say“Happy birthday!”to me. I make a wish and then eat the cake with my friends. At last, we sing and da