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  One possible version:
  Chart 1 shows an annual income of a teacher in different regions in China. On average, a teacher in inland countryside earns the least money, only 10,196 yuan a year; next to it is a teacher in inland cities, 32,160 yuan. On the other hand, a teacher in coastal regions annually earns the most, reaching 75,458 yuan.
  Chart 2 shows the major factors that affect the development of teachers and the fundamental education in the countryside. We can find that low payment is the major problem. I think the teachers in the countryside should also be paid close attention to. In this way, they can live a healthy life and teach happily. Otherwise, they may seek for higher-paid jobs and this will have an ill effect on the development of the fundamental education in the countryside.
  1. 中国现有残疾人大约6000万,平均每20人中就有一个残疾人。
  2. 中国政府颁布了残疾人保护法,残疾人在中国得到了公平的对待。
  3. 政府为残疾人做了许多事情,比如为残疾人设置无障碍通道、专用停车位和厕所等。
  4. 目前中国有众多残疾人组织。这些组织为残疾人争取平等权益。
  5. 谈谈你对中国残疾人事业发展的看法。
  1. 词数100-200;
  2. 行文应连贯,内容应完整;
  3. 开头及结束语已写好,不记入总词数。
  4. 参考词汇:第二次全国残疾人抽样调查 the second national sample survey on disabled people
  Dear Johnson,
  I am very glad to have received your e-mail.
  Best wishes!
   Jian Hua
  One Possible Version:
  Dear Johnson,
  I am very glad to have received your e-mail. As you mentioned, China has launched the second national sample survey on disabled people, and you are interested in more details about the Chinese disabled people. Well, I’d like to tell you as much as I know. According to the results of the first national survey, the number of disabled people may have reached some 60 million in China, namely, one out of twenty people is a disabled person. It is a surprising achievement that the Chinese government has done so much for the disabled: special non-obstacle ways, parking lots as well as toilets have been built along the main avenue. Now more and more organizations seeking for the equal rights for the disabled have been founded.
  In my opinion, there should be a lot more protection laws on disabled people, for, I think, it is a best way to help them live a better life by means of law. Despite the fact that we have made great progress over the last few years, there is still a long way to cover to improve overall living conditions of the disabled.
  Best wishes!
   Jian Hua
  请以Is Score Important?为题,参考下列提示,写一篇100~120词左右的短文。
  1. 当前分数被看得很重要。
  2. 过分重视分数给学习和教学带来不利影响。
  One Possible Version:
  Is Score Important?
  Too much emphasis is placed on the test score, which is one of the most obvious features of today’s education. On the one hand, it has become the most important criterion for college enrollment. On the other hand, it is also one of the crucial factors either in job assignment or in employment competitions.
  To stress the importance of the test score brings many bad effects on students’ study as well as on teachers’ teaching. Firstly, students find themselves concentrating more on strategies to achieve high scores than on developing their overall capabilities. Secondly, teachers tend to give their students high scores as their job is judged mainly by the students’ performance in terms of scores. Thirdly, some of the students who can get high scores in school are much less competent in doing jobs.
  Personally, I think that the test score can indicate a student’s academic performance to some extent. But it can not reflect a student’s overall ability. Too much emphasis on test scores actually defeats the academic goals of education.
  编者按: 随着高考英语改革,英语作文的命题将更具有开放性,目前已有部分省市尝试此类开放式作文,这种作文将是高考作文测试的新方向,它与传统的书面表达相比,难度更大、要求更高。为了使广大师生了解此种高考命题发展的新方向,本刊选择了如下一篇开放式作文。
  请以Famous University or Better Major?为题,参考下列提示,写一篇100~120词左右的短文。
  One Possible Version:
  Famous University or Better Major?
  High school graduates have different views about what kind of university they should go to. Some students focus their attention on the universities that are very famous across the country. Others have a preference for those that can offer a good major.
  Students holding the first view usually think that people tend to pay much attention to the reputation of the university. If you are from a famous university, they will think you are an excellent student. However, holders of the second view will argue that one should choose a good major instead of a famous university. A good major will help you develop your ability and skills.
  As far as I am concerned, I’d like to give my support to the second view. After all, it is your own ability and skills, not the fame of your university, that count most. So we should choose a good major and make great efforts to achieve self-development. If we blindly cling to those famous universities, we may fail to develop our full potential and make a great contribution to our society.
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