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时下,许多机关高喊经费不足,不少单位负债累累。机关经费到哪里去了?只增不减的人头费。目前一些机关,行政编制满了,便弄事业编制,事业编制满了,便招临时人员。一方面工资发放都困难,一方面又源源不断添人进口,一些已明确要撤并的部门,照样有许多人往里挤。糊里糊涂的车辆费。一辆轿车保守估计,不算购置、折旧费和司机工资,单修理、汽油、保险、养路、过境等费用,一年也要近两万元。但机关的车辆却愈来愈多,档次愈来愈高。更严重的是,在车辆费用 Nowadays, many agencies shout for lack of funds and many units are in debt. Where did the office expenses go? Increasing only the head expenses. At present, some organs and administrative compilation systems are full, and they will make preparations for their careers. When their careers are full, temporary personnel will be recruited. On the one hand, the payment of wages is difficult. On the other hand, it has imported a steady stream of people. Some departments that have definitely decided to withdraw their mergers still have many people squeezing in and out. Stumbling in the vehicle fee. A car is conservatively estimated that it will cost nearly 20,000 yuan a year for the expenses of purchase, depreciation and driver salaries, single repairs, petrol, insurance, road maintenance and transit. However, more and more vehicles, the higher grades. More seriously, the cost of the vehicle
The welded joints of 400MPa ultra fine grained steel in manual arc welding were treated by mechanical surface hardening. Microstructure and mechanical propert
2000年12月27日,孝昌县人民法院公开审理原孝昌县公路段长肖继高利用职务之便,受贿、贪污和挪用公款一案。于是,人们不禁悲叹 On December 27, 2000, Xiaochang County Peop
在地处黄海之滨的射阳县,兽医师许耀臣的名字在全县养殖业大户中,在许多农民心中广为流传,受到大家的敬重。 In Sheyang County, located on the coast of the Yellow Sea,