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  The fishing industry in Japan is among the largest in the world, and Tsukiji Market is a major 1)hub for this multi-billion-dollar industry. Over the years, the market has attracted millions of tourists, even though it is not primarily a tourist center.
  Tourist: It’s funny because it doesn’t seems [sic] like there is a lot of fight between the 2)bidders. Only one or two people, they raise the price. And that’s it. It goes really fast.
  He’s referring to the star attraction at the market, a fascinating event that takes place, without fail, at 5:30 every morning, an event for which visitors wake up at 4:00 am. The location—the auction hall. Tsukiji market has seven auction halls and five tuna auction halls that conduct the business of selling its produce to the intermediate 3)wholesalers. This area is the heart of the market and everything would 4)grind to a halt if the auction didn’t take place. The experience of being inside the hall is something tourists take back with them as one of the most amazing and unforgettable memories of Japan. Not surprisingly, some have even compared the sights and sounds to a kind of visual symphony that catches the essence of Japanese culture and social life.
  The economics of the morning’s auction at Tsukiji Market determine the economics of the business for the rest of the country, and for the world, in terms of demand, supply and price. So when the price of your regular piece of sushi goes up, it’s because the price has gone up in these auction halls.
  The magic hour at the market is 5:30 am. So at 10:00 pm the night before, tons of seafood, particularly frozen tuna, start arriving by ship, truck and plane from all over the world. By 3:00 am, the crates will be opened and the seafood displayed in the auction for the intermediate wholesalers. Every morning, six separate auctions for fish are held at the same time in order to clear the tremendous amount of stock. The tuna auction is the most exciting of all, not just because of the sheer speed at which it takes place, but because of the high value and risks involved in the bidding process.
  This is a typical morning at the tuna auction hall. About a thousand tuna from all over the world are lined up. At 5:30 5)sharp, the auction starts on all five platforms. This is the 6)auctioneer, and these are the buyers, the intermediate wholesalers. They use hand signs to indicate the price per kilo. The tuna will go to the highest bidder. It takes an average of six seconds to auction one tuna. The interaction between the auctioneer and buyers in such a short time has always been a fascinating talking point among observers.   The auction starts. And it’s done. Let’s take another look. Ten is the number given to the tuna. The auctioneer invites buyers to name the price. He calls out the price indicated by the buyer’s hand sign. Thumb up means six, open palm means five. The auctioneer has to read many people’s signs at once. Seeing that it won’t go beyond 8,500, the auctioneer calls out the buyer’s company name, and the auction ends.
  The auction started at 5:30, and is over in less than 20 minutes. In a mere 20 minutes, 1,000 pieces of tuna fish are sold and gone. This speed, this scale, is what makes Tsukiji Market one of the most fascinating places to visit in the world.


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