This article reports the crystal trichosanthin compound (crystalline trichosanthin, reserpine, testosterone propionate) within 42 days after menopause, used for out-patient clinic, from January 1982 to October a total of 86 cases, including hCG-RIA 68 cases were diagnosed as pregnancy, 18 cases of non-pregnancy. After treatment, 18 cases of menopause were all successful, 58 cases of 68 cases of conception were successful, and the success rate of catching and stopping pregnancy was 88.37%. Most of the reminders by 3 days after treatment, only 3 to 5 days of pregnancy began vaginal bleeding, the general bleeding 3 to 7 days, the amount of bleeding in the menstrual flow accounted for 88.16%; follow-up 67 cases (77.91%) 63 cases Menstruation returned to normal, 4 cases of menstruation delay, the second cycle back to normal.