Learning Strategies and second language learning

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  Abstract:Different scholars lay their own stress on defining learning strategies; therefore, there is a diversity of classifications of learning strategies. This passage illustrates the basic definition and classification of the leaning strategies and the relationship between second language learning.
  key words:learning strategies, second language learning
  Different scholars lay their own stress on defining learning strategies; therefore, there is a diversity of classifications of learning strategies. Cohen divides the learning strategies into two groups, one is language leaning strategies and the other is language using strategies (Cohen, 1987). The former includes strategies for identifying the material that needs to be learned, distinguishing it from other material, grouping it for easier learning memorizing it when natural acquisition is impossible and so on. The latter, more specially, includes four subsets of strategies: retrieval strategies, rehearsal strategies, cover strategies and communication strategies.
  Rubin (1987) prefers to use term "learner strategies' to mean" learning strategies'. She recognizes three major types of learner strategies based to reception-production model. Learning strategies refer to the strategies that may directly affect learning, which can be further divided into "cognitive strategies" and "metacognitive strategies". Communication strategies are concerned with language production, enabling learners to keep the communication going despite their limitations in knowledge and competence. Social strategies concern about the ways in which learners select to interact with other learners and native speakers.
  Based on the information-processing model, O'Malley and Chamot (1985) recognize three major types of strategy. They are metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social-affective strategies.
  Oxford (1990), emphasizing on the effect that learning strategies have on leaning process, groups learning strategies into two major categories: direct strategies and indirect strategies. Language learning strategies that directly involve the target language are called direct strategies, and the strategies that provide indirect support for language learning through focusing, planning, evaluating, controlling anxiety, increasing cooperation and other means are called indirect strategies.
  And both are subdivided into three groups. In this way, Oxford first of all accents her point that some strategies can directly affect foreign language learning, while some cannot. The advantage of this categorization is that it is more operational than other categorization. Learners often care more for the effect of applying leaning strategies rather than the process of learning and it is too demanding for them to identify the strategies involved in the course of learning for it is requiring considerable interpretation on the part of the learners. Therefore,
  With the classification provided by Oxford, learners may perceive the learning aspects and learning strategies in a more direct way and they are likely to select the strategies they need with greater assurance and confidence.
  1. Ellis, Rod. 1994. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University.
  2. Kreshen, S., and T.D. Terrell. 1983. The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the classroom. Oxford : Pergamon Press.
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