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贵州省黔东南地区雨量充足、气候温和,非常适合杉树等林木生长,历史上就是传统的林业出产地。近年来全州各级各部门认真贯彻落实国家有关生态建设的方针政策,以森林为主体的生态建设取得了丰硕成果,全州森林面积达2850.7万亩,活立木蓄积量达1.1亿立方米,森林覆盖率达62.78%。特别是黔东南东部八县(雷山、剑河、台江、榕江、从江、黎平、锦屏、天柱)人均占有林地都在10亩以上,大大超过了人均耕地占有面积。经过20年的努力,森林资源的三大指标大幅增长,已达到建国后的最高水平,州 Guizhou Qiandongnan adequate rainfall, mild climate, is ideal for fir and other forest growth, history is the traditional production of forestry. In recent years, various departments and departments at all levels in the state have conscientiously implemented the guidelines and policies of the state concerning ecological construction and made fruitful achievements in the ecological construction with the forest as the main body. The total forest area in the whole state reached 28,507,000 mu and the stock volume of living wood reached 110 million cubic meters. Forest coverage rate reached 62.78%. In particular, the average per capita possession of forest land in eight counties (Leishan, Jianhe, Taijiang, Rongjiang, Congjiang, Liping, Jinping and Tianzhu) in eastern Qiandongnan is more than 10 mu, far exceeding the average per capita cultivated land area. After 20 years of hard work, the three major indicators of forest resources have risen sharply, reaching the highest level after the founding of the PRC
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2009年2月3日,关注森林活动组委会在北京举行2009年关注森林活动启动仪式。中共中央政治局委员、全国政协副主席、关注森林活动组委会主任王刚出席并讲话。他强 February 3,