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感时花溅泪恨别鸟惊心——杜甫秋回想北师的同学,我最难忘记的人就是张维安了。他令我难忘的是他的真诚,他的那些稀有的品质,他对人对事的那种热切的态度。我想不仅是我,凡是识他、知他的人大约很少有人会把他从脑子里忘掉吧。回忆把我推回到一九六○年的秋天。如果我不曾记错,那是十月十六日,一个星期日,那天吃了早点我就去找张维安。正是仲秋时节,院落里、道边上的槐树、柳树树叶苍绿到快要发黄还没有发黄,秋高气爽,在北京这是一年里最好的一段日子。那天我从西城宫门口以北的中廊下出发,穿过西廊下,拐到安康胡同,再进福绥境,向北绕个小弯就来到官园。那时唯一的一条直达花园村的二十六路汽车就以这里为起点。为什么把这条路写得这么细,那是因为这之前两年以来,我和张维安有时每月一往返,有时两月一往返,我们住在一东一西,这条路的两端是我们各自的起止点。后来想起已逝的那一天,沿路的景物每次都历历在目地复现于我的脑海里。我进了北京师院,找了几处张维安在周日常去的地方,都没有找见。后来,我去了他们宿舍(他当大学教师后仍住原来的学生宿舍),他也没有在那里。那是个窗子北向的大屋子,横竖排列着双人床。我坐在离门不远的一个双人床的底铺上,那里是张维安睡觉的地方。我从上午九点多一直等到十一点,才从他同伴的口里知道他去劳动了。 Feel the tears of flowers splash hate bird shocking - Du Fuqiu back to North Classmates, I am the most difficult to forget people is Zhang Weian. What made him unforgettable was his sincerity, his rare qualities and his fervent attitude towards people and things. I think not only me, who knows him, and few people who know him will forget him from his mind. Memories pushed me back to the fall of 1960. If I remember correctly, it was October 16 and one Sunday, and when I had eaten it early, I went to find Zhang Weian. It is Zhongqiu season, the courtyard, the edge of the Road Ash, willow trees green to yellow is not yet yellow, autumn, this is the best time of the year in Beijing. That day, I started off under the corridor north of the Xicheng Palace Gate and crossed under the West Corridor, turning to Ankang Hutong and then into Fusui and going north to a small bend to go to the official garden. At that time, the only one of the twenty-six road cars going directly to Garden Village started here. Why this road is written so fine, because before that two years ago, I and Zhang Weian sometimes go back and forth every month, and sometimes back and forth in two months, we live in a east-west, the two ends of the road is our Their own starting and ending points. Then I remembered the day I passed away, the scenery along the road was vividly reproduced in my mind. I went to the Beijing Normal University and found several places where Zhang Wei An often visited on Sunday and did not find anything. Later, I went to their dormitory (he still lived in the original student dormitory after being a university teacher), and he was not there either. It was a large room north of the window, arranged lined with double bed. I sat in the bottom of a double bed not far from the door, where Vivian Zhang was sleeping. I waited until eleven o’clock from nine o’clock in the morning to know from his companion’s mouth that he was going to work.