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2011年10月,《武陵山片区区域发展和扶贫攻坚规划》出台,正式将包括湖南、湖北、贵州、重庆4省市71个县(市、区)在内的地区整合为一个区域整体。该片区是我国第二级阶梯向第三级阶梯过渡的地带,集革命老区、民族地区、贫困地区于一体,是跨省交界面积大、少数民族聚集多、贫困人口分布广的连片特困地区,自古就是中原文化与西南少数民族文化的交汇地,今天是我国中西结合部、发达地区与欠发达地区的分水岭。早在上世纪90年代,学界内已有学者提出“武陵民族走廊”概念,并为之进行了大量的田野调查与学术研究,硕果颇丰。而从“十二五”时期开始,由国家政权主导对该区域的重新整合、规划与引导发展,势必会对该区域内的社会、经济、文化、民族等多方面造成更为直接的影响,此种以区域发展为前提所导致的社会变迁,为民族学、社会学、经济学、政治学等众多学科提供了更为丰富的研究视角与内容,不少专家学者都对重新整合后的武陵山片区进行了实地调查与研究分析,为该区域的扶贫开发与区域发展出谋划策。 In October 2011, the “Wuling Mountain Area Development and Poverty Alleviation Project” was promulgated, and the area including 71 counties (cities and districts) in Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou and Chongqing provinces was formally integrated into a whole area. The zone is the transitional stage of the second-level ladder to the third-level ladder in our country. It integrates revolutionary old areas, ethnic areas and poor areas. It is a contiguous destitute area with large inter-provincial boundaries, small ethnic groups, and a wide distribution of poor people Since ancient times was the intersection of the Central Plains culture and the southwestern ethnic minority cultures. Today is the watershed between the Sino-Western Joint Area, the developed areas and the less-developed areas in China. As early as the 90s of the last century, scholars in the academic field have put forward the concept of “Wuling Corridor of Nationalities” and carried out a large number of field investigations and academic researches with great achievements. From the “12th Five-Year Plan” period, the reintegration, planning and direct development of the region led by the state power will inevitably lead to a more direct impact on the social, economic, cultural and ethnic groups in the region This kind of social change brought about by the regional development provides a richer research perspective and content for many disciplines such as ethnology, sociology, economics and political science, and many experts and scholars are all ready to re-integrate Of the Wuling Mountain Area conducted a field survey and research and analysis for the region’s poverty alleviation and development and regional development advice and suggestions.
中医文化博大精深,有关“屎”的中药具有很多功效。当然,这些“屎”并不能直接使用,而要经过中药炮制。  白丁香——麻雀粪 功效:消积,明目。主治积聚、疝气。外用治目翳、痈疽疮疖、扁桃体炎。  左盘龙——鸽屎 功效:消肿,杀虫。治腹中痞块、瘰疬。  夜明砂——蝙蝠屎 功效:清热明目、活血消积,可治小孩拉肚子。  望月砂——兔粪 功效:明目去翳,解毒杀虫。主治目翳、痔疮、疳积等。  鸡矢白——鸡屎 功效