Study Raises Concerns Over Chemicals in Household Plastic

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在最近进行的尿检中发现:邻苯二甲酸盐(Phthalates)的含量比以前预想的要高。而Phthalates are used as stabilizer(稳定剂)in cosmetics and softeningagents in plastics like polyvinyl([化]乙烯聚合物的)chloride(氯化物)(PVC)。这就值得引起我们的密切注意。 这些毒物残留在人体内时,会导致何种疾病,尚有待探究:The only questionremaining is what types of illnesses might be related to the exposure。然而,有一点是肯定的,我们所熟悉的PVC应该停止使用: In 1997,Greenpeace(保护动物不遭捕猎等的绿色和平组织)testedchildren’s toys and identified five of the seven phthalates mentioned in the currentCDC report.Greenpeace has since called for an international phase out(逐步停止使用)of PVC。 In a recent urine test, it was found that Phthalates were higher than previously thought. Whereas Phthalates are used as stabilizers in cosmetics and softening agents in plastics-like polyvinylchlorides. This deserves our close attention. When these poisons remain in the human body, what kind of disease can cause the disease remains to be explored: The only question is still showing what types of illnesses might be related to the exposure. However, one thing is certain: PVC that we are familiar with should be discontinued: In 1997, Greenpeace (Greenpeace, which protects animals from hunting, etc.) testedchildren’s toys and identified five of the seven phthalates mentioned in the current CDC report. Greenpeace has Was called for an international phase out of PVC.
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