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目的 分析念珠菌关节炎的临床特征,结合文献复习提高对念珠菌关节炎诊治的认识.方法 回顾性分析2008年1月至2018年6月两家医院收治的18例念珠菌关节炎患者,男13例,女5例;年龄(59±8)岁(范围48~71岁).均行关节积液细菌培养及药敏试验,1例手术患者行术中组织细菌培养及药敏试验.17例患者接受MR检查,人工膝关节置换术后感染的患者接受了膝关节X线检查.分析临床特征、高危因素、临床表现、病原学、治疗方式及预后.结果 18例均为膝关节念珠菌关节炎,2例合并糖尿病.1例为骨关节炎全膝关节置换术后继发念珠菌关节炎,16例有3次以上关节腔内糖皮质激素注射史,1例无糖尿病、关节手术及激素应用史.临床表现均为关节肿痛,部分伴有行走受限;外周血白细胞计数增高或正常,C反应蛋白、红细胞沉降率增高;MRI表现为关节积液及滑膜增生;关节镜检查见关节积液浑浊及滑膜增生;关节置换术后感染患者的X线表现为假体周围软组织肿胀、假体周围骨质吸收.培养结果为白色念珠菌2例、非白色念珠菌16例.18例念珠菌对氟康唑、两性霉素B、伏立康唑敏感率均为100%.13例接受手术联合抗真菌药物治疗,4例单纯抗真菌药物治疗,1例放弃治疗.真菌药物疗程6~52周,中位时间12周.应用氟康唑治疗12例、伏立康唑治疗1例、伏立康唑及氟康唑序贯治疗1例、氟康唑治疗联合两性霉素B脂质体全身及关节腔局部用药1例、特比萘芬后改用氟康唑治疗1例、氟胞嘧啶联合氟康唑治疗1例.17例随访3~72个月,末次随访时治愈12例、截肢1例、复发4例.结论 文献中念珠菌关节炎的报告比较少见,多发生在人工关节置换术后,且有糖尿病、免疫抑制剂应用的高危人群中.对免疫正常、非术后患者念珠菌关节炎的发生可能与关节腔内多次注射及频繁的关节腔内糖皮质激素应用相关.由于无典型的临床表现,确诊困难,治疗疗程长且预后不佳.“,”Objective To analyze the clinical features of candida arthritis and to conduct literature review to improve diagnosis and treatment.Methods From January 2008 to June 2018,eighteen patients (5 females and 13 males) with candida arthritis were admitted to two hospitals.The mean age at diagnosis was 59±8 (range 48-71 years).The diagnosis was determined based on joint fluid aspirate in all cases and on intra-operative samples in 1 patients.Seventeen patients received MR examination,and on epatient who underwent total knee arthroplasty underwent knee X-ray examination.The clinical features,risk factors,clinical manifestations,etiology,treatment and prognosis are recorded.Results Knee joints were involved in all patients as infection sites.Seventeen patients had risk factors for candida infection,including diabetes mellitus in 2 patients,artificial joint replacement in 1,and glucocorticoid injection in the joint cavity in 16.Swelling and pain were presented in all cases.Peripheral blood leukocytes were increased or normal,while C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were increased.Magnetic resonance showed joint effusion and slip membrane hyperplasia.Joint turbidity and synovial hyperplasia were presented by arthroscopy.X-ray demonstrated swelling of soft tissue around the prosthesis and bone absorption around the prosthesis.The most frequent species was non-candida albicans.Susceptibility to antifungals was tested in all cases.Thirteen patients underwent surgery combined with antifungal therapy,while 4 patients only received antifungal therapy and 1 patient refused to treat.The duration of antifungal therapy was from 6 weeks to 52 weeks (median,12 weeks).Twelve cases were treated with fluconazole and 1 with voriconazole,1 with voriconazole and fluconazole,1 with fluconazole combined with lipid formulation amphotericin B,1 with terbinatine and fluconazole,1 with flucytosine combined with tluconazole.Seventeen cases were followed up for 3 to 72 months.At final follow-up,twelve patients were healed,while 1 case was amputated and 4 patients relapsed and refused further treatment.Conclusion As a rare disease,candida arthritis is usually happened after artificial joint replacement and in high-risk patients with diabetes and immunosuppressant applications.In immunoeompetent patients without surgery,infection may be related to multiple injections into the joim cavity with glucocorticoids.The infection may be difficult to be diagnosed and with poor prognosis.Surgery with long-term antifungal therapy is required.
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目的研究性别差异对股骨转子间骨折围手术期隐性失血的影响。方法回顾性分析2012年1月至2015年12月收治的108例股骨转子间骨折患者资料,男42例,女66例;年龄32~95岁,平均(75.4±10.8)岁。运用Gross方程,计算所有患者围手术期隐性失血(perioperative hidden blood loss, PHBL)的绝对值及其所占总血容量的百分比为因变量,均以性别、年龄、受伤至手
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