Reliability and concurrent validity of postural asymmetry measurement in adolescent idiopathic scoli

来源 :World Journal of Orthopedics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andyvssammi
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AIM To investigate the reliability and concurrent validity of the Baseline~? Body Level/Scoliosis meter for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis postural assessment in three anatomical planes.METHODS This is an observational reliability and concurrent validity study of adolescent referrals to the Orthopaedic department for scoliosis screening at KarolinskaUniversity Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden between MarchMay 2012. A total of 31 adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis(13.6 ± 0.6 years old) of mild-moderate curvatures(25°± 12°) were consecutively recruited. Measurement of cervical, thoracic and lumbar curvatures, pelvic and shoulder tilt, and axial thoracic rotation(ATR) were performed by two trained physiotherapists in one day. The intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC) was used to determine the inter-examiner reliability(ICC2,1) and the intra-rater reliability(ICC3,3) of the Baseline~? Body Level/Scoliosis meter. Spearman’s correlation analyses were used to estimate concurrent validity between the Baseline~? Body Level/Scoliosis meter and Gold Standard Cobb angles from radiographs and the Orthopaedic Systems Inc. Scoliometer.RESULTS There was excellent reliability between examiners for thoracic kyphosis(ICC2,1 = 0.94), ATR(ICC2,1 = 0.92) and lumbar lordosis(ICC2,1 = 0.79). There was adequate reliability between examiners for cervical lordosis(ICC2,1 = 0.51), however poor reliability for pelvic and shoulder tilt. Both devices were reproducible in the measurement of ATR when repeated by one examiner(ICC3,3 0.98-1.00). The device had a good correlation with the Scoliometer(rho = 0.78). When compared with Cobb angle from radiographs, there was a moderate correlation for ATR(rho = 0.627).CONCLUSION The Baseline~? Body Level/Scoliosis meter provides reliable transverse and sagittal cervical, thoracic and lumbar measurements and valid transverse plan measurements of mild-moderate scoliosis deformity. AIM To investigate the reliability and concurrent validity of the Baseline ~? Body Level / Scoliosis meter for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis postural assessment in three anatomical planes. METHODS This is an observational reliability and concurrent validity study of adolescent referrals to the Orthopedic department for scoliosis screening at Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden between March May 2012. A total of 31 adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (13.6 ± 0.6 years old) of mild-moderate curvatures (25 ° ± 12 °) were consecutively recruited. Measurement of cervical, thoracic and lumbar curvatures, pelvic and shoulder tilt, and axial thoracic rotation (ATR) were performed by two trained physiotherapists in one day. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to determine the inter-examiner reliability (ICC2,1) and the intra-rater reliability ICC3,3) of the Baseline ~? Body Level / Scoliosis meter. Spearman’s correlation analyzes were used to estimate concurrent validity between the Baseline ~? Body Level / Scoliosis meter and Gold Standard Cobb angles from radiographs and the Orthopedic Systems Inc. Scoliometer .RESULTS There was excellent reliability between examiners for thoracic kyphosis (ICC2,1 = 0.94), ATR (ICC2,1 = 0.92 There was adequate reliability between examiners for cervical lordosis (ICC2,1 = 0.51), however poor reliability for pelvic and shoulder tilt. Both devices were reproducible in the measurement of ATR when repeated by The device had a good correlation with the Scoliometer (rho = 0.78). When compared with Cobb angle from radiographs, there was a moderate correlation for ATR (rho = 0.627) .CONCLUSION The Baseline ~? Body Level / Scoliosis meter provides reliable transverse and sagittal cervical, thoracic and lumbar measurements and valid transverse plan measurements of mild-moderate scoliosis deformity.
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