加强党的建设 深化高校改革

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加强党的建设,首先要搞好高校领导班子的思想建设、民主集中制建设和廉政建设。二是选好党支部书记,建好支部班子。党支部是高校党的基层组织,是党在高校的基本力量,是率领党员和广大教职工落实党的各项任务的战斗堡垒。三是努力做好党员发展工作,这是党的组织建设的一项重要任务,要通过加强党员队伍建设来促进党的基层组织建设。四是抓好对党员的教育,努力提高党员素质。在教育内容上,要增强针对性;在教育方法上,要增强实效性。要建立一支以精干的专职人员为骨干、专兼结合的党务工作和思想政治工作队伍。抓好“两课”教师队伍建设,充分发挥思想政治工作的“主渠道”作用;抓好政治辅导员队伍建设,抓好学生骨干队伍和学生工作干部队伍建设。按照四个“有利于”的指导思想,把高校党组织真正建设成为坚强的领导核心和战斗堡垒。 To strengthen party building, we must first do a good job in building the ideological and democratic centralism and building a clean and honest government in the leading bodies in colleges and universities. Second, select the party branch secretary, build branch team. Party branch is the grass-roots party organizations in colleges and universities, is the party’s basic strength in colleges and universities, is leading the party members and the majority of staff and workers to implement the party’s battle bastions. Third, we must make every effort to carry out the party members’ development. This is an important task in the party’s organizational construction. We must promote the building of the party’s grassroots organizations by strengthening the building of party members. Fourth, we should do a good job in educating party members and strive to improve the quality of party members. In the education content, we must enhance the pertinence; in the educational method, we must enhance the effectiveness. It is necessary to establish a cadre of party work and ideological and political work with a cadre of full-time personnel as the backbone and a combination of both. We will give full play to the “main channel” of ideological and political work. Do a good job in building a team of political instructors, and do a good job in building a cadre of students and student cadres. In accordance with the four “conducive” guiding ideology, the party organizations in colleges and universities should be truly built into a strong leadership nucleus and a battle bulwark.
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