Development and Characterization of Al_2O_3 Dispersed Al/Mg/Cu/Ti Matrix Composite

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:net130130
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The effect of dispersion with different weight fractions of Al_2O_3 particles in metallic matrices(Al/Mg/Ti/Cu)fabricated by powder metallurgy was investigated.In the case of 15 wt%Al_2O_3 reinforced composites,peak hardness was attained which subsequently decreased with increasing the content of Al_2O_3.A correlation between the microhardness and nanomechanical properties at submicron scale was examined for all the composites.Specific strength and specific modulus were measured in order to figure out the performance of the composites. The effect of dispersion with different weight fractions of Al 2 O 3 particles in metallic matrices (Al / Mg / Ti / Cu) fabricated by powder metallurgy was investigated. In the case of 15 wt% Al 2 O 3 reinforced composites, peak hardness was attained which subsequently decreased with increasing the content of Al 2 O 3 A correlation between the microhardness and nanomechanical properties at submicron scale was examined for all the composites.Specific strength and specific modulus were measured in order to figure out the performance of the composites.
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