Motion Planning for Robots with Topological Dimension Reduction Method

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lujundehao
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This paper explores the realization of robotic motion planning, especially Findpath problem, which is abasic motion planning problem that arises in the development of robotics. Findpath means: Give the initial anddesired final configurations of a robotic arm in 3-dimensionnl space, and give descriptions of the obstacles inthe space, determine whether there is a continuous collision-free motion of the robotic arm from one configure-tion to the other and find such a motion if it exists. There are several branches of approach in motion planningarea, but in reality the important things are feasibility, efficiency and accuracy of the method. In this paper ac-cording to the concepts of Configuration Space (C-Space) and Rotation Mapping Graph (RMG) discussed in[1], a topological method named Dimension Reduction Method (DRM) for investigating the connectivity ofthe RMG (or the topologic structure of the RMG )is presented by using topologic technique. Based on this ap-proach the Findpath problem is thus transformed to that of finding a connected way in a finite CharacteristicNetwork (CN). The method has shown great potentiality in practice. Here a simulation system is designed toembody DRM and it is in sight that DRM can he adopted in the first overall planning of real robot sys-tem in the near future. This paper explores the realization of robotic motion planning, especially Findpath problem, which is abasic motion planning problem that arises in the development of robotics. Findpath means: Give the initial anddesired final configurations of a robotic arm in 3-dimensionnl space, and give descriptions of the obstacles inthe space, determine whether there is a continuous collision-free motion of the robotic arm from one configure-tion to the other and find such a motion if it exists. There are several branches of approach in motion planningarea, but in reality the important things are feasibility, efficiency and accuracy of the method. In this paper ac-cording to the concepts of Configuration Space (C-Space) and Rotation Mapping Graph (RMG) discussed in [1], a topological method named Dimension Reduction Method (DRM) for investigating the connectivity of the RMG (or the topologic structure of the RMG) is presented by using topologic technique. Based on this ap-proach the Findpath proble m is thus transformed to that of finding a connected way in a finite Characteristic Network (CN). The method has shown great potentiality in practice. Here a simulation system is designed to embody DRM and it is in sight that DRM can he adopted in the first overall planning of real robot sys-tem in the near future.
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