An outbreak of granulomatous inflammation associated with Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalis

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dxy_10121012
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In 2013,a novel disease was detected in tilapia( Oreochromis niloticus × O.aureus) in Guangzhou,South China.To identify the causative pathogen,we conducted histological examination,bacteria isolation,and purification,and sequenced the 16 S rRNA gene of isolates.Infected fish had a large number of white granulomas in the kidney,liver,heart,and spleen.The head kidney and spleen were markedly swollen.A bacterium strain designated as gz201301 was recovered from the spleen of infected tilapia.The 16 S rRNA sequence of gz201301 revealed that it was highly similar to F.noatunensis subsp.orientalis.This is the first report of a Francisella-like infection in farmed tilapia in China. In 2013, a novel disease was detected in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus × ​​O. aureus) in Guangzhou, South China. To identify the causative pathogen, we conducted histological examination, bacteria isolation, and purification, and sequenced the 16 S rRNA gene of isolates .Infected fish had a large number of white granulomas in the kidney, liver, heart, and spleen.The head kidney and spleen were markedly swollen. A bacterium strain designated as gz201301 was recovered from the spleen of infected tilapia.The 16 S rRNA sequence of gz201301 revealed that it was similar to F. noatunensis subsp. organalis. this is the first report of a Francisella-like infection in farmed tilapia in China.
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