打造体艺特色 促进多元发展——记发展中的南京市秦淮中学

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南京市秦淮中学创办于1981年,2009年成为江苏省四星级高中。现有45个教学班,在校学生近2100人,教职员工244人。学校以“追求自觉、追求进步、追求卓越”为办学追求,以“管理立校、质量兴校、文化润校”为办学目标,在办学理念“厚德博学,和谐共进”的引领下,以“恒成大气”为校训,形成了“崇德乐善,知行合一”的校风,“求真务实,求精创新”的教风,“自主自信,笃行进取”的学风。学校从实际出发,确立了“因材施教,走多元发展之路”的办学思路,既全力推进 Nanjing Qinhuai Middle School was founded in 1981, in 2009 became a four-star high school in Jiangsu Province. The existing 45 teaching classes, nearly 2100 students, faculty 244 people. The school aims at “pursuing conscientiously, pursuing progress and pursuing excellence” as the pursuit of running a school, “setting up schools by virtue of quality, establishing schools with quality, and running schools with culture” “Under the guidance of ” constant into the atmosphere “as the motto, formed a” school of loyalty, unity of knowledge and practice “school spirit, ” pragmatic, refinement innovation “teaching style, ”Self-confidence, Benedict for progress“ style of study. Starting from reality, the school established a school-running mentality of ”teaching students in accordance with their aptitudes and taking multiple development paths"
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