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传统的设备基础螺栓孔制作方法较多,有锥形圆木空心模板、预制混凝土法等,这几种方法在使用过程中,如不注意会给施工带来比较大的麻烦。我们在施工时经常碰到这类问题,试着用过几种方法,都取得比较好的效果,下面介绍给大家供参考。一、木模板法这是一种传统作法,施工中经常采用,如一些大型设备基础的地脚螺栓孔洞,首先按图纸尺寸设计成上口大下口小的木板块,把木板刨光,拼装后外涂一层废机油或其它脱模剂(有时把拼装好的木笼放在水里浸泡),再按图纸要求就位,深度比设计要求多5~10厘米,底部用木板封口,以防止混凝土进入。二、钢管预埋法此法常用于梁板的穿孔留洞,但不适用于设备基础的地脚螺栓预留洞,因为二次浇灌不容易密实,在机械振动下会造成地脚螺栓锚固不牢,影响使用。这种方法尺寸位置容易易控制,可避免造成堵孔现象。三、砖砌法砖砌法常用于平台板上预留比较大的圆孔洞(直径大于50厘米)或方孔洞,施工时按图纸要求放线于平台模板上,用普通砖带灰立砌,这种方法经济实用,可以节省大量模板和人工。在混凝土初凝后拆除砖模,用高标号水泥砂浆进行修补。 There are many methods for making bolt holes in conventional equipment foundations, such as cone-shaped hollow hollow formwork and precast concrete methods. If these methods are used, if they do not pay attention, they will cause a lot of trouble for the construction. We often encountered such problems during construction and tried to use several methods to achieve better results. The following is for your reference. First, the wood formwork method This is a traditional practice, often used in construction, such as the anchor bolt holes of some large-scale equipment foundations, first designed according to the size of the drawings, a large wooden block with a small mouth and a large mouth, and the wood is planed and assembled. After coating a layer of waste oil or other release agent (sometimes put the assembled wooden cage in water), and then in accordance with the requirements of the drawings, the depth of more than the design requirements of 5 to 10 cm, the bottom with a wooden seal to Prevent concrete from entering. Second, pre-embedded steel pipe method This method is often used for perforation of the beam plate hole, but not for the equipment foundation anchor bolt hole, because the second watering is not easy to compact, under the mechanical vibration will cause the anchor bolt not The prison affects the use. This method is easy to control the size of the location, to avoid blocking the phenomenon. Third, brickwork bricklaying method is often used on the platform board to reserve a relatively large round hole (diameter greater than 50 cm) or square hole, according to the requirements of the drawings when the construction line laying on the platform template, using ordinary brick gray stand, This method is economical and practical, saving a lot of templates and labor. After the initial setting of concrete, the bricks were demolished and repaired with high-grade cement mortar.
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