军区党委召开常委会传达学习十六届五中全会精神 紧紧围绕党和国家工作大局 更好地履行我军新的历史使命

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10月12日,军区党委召开常委会议,认真传达学习党的十六届五中全会精神,强调用五中全会精神统一思想和行动,着眼党和国家工作大局,按照科学发展观要求思考谋划部队建设,更好地肩负起领导部队建设的重大责任。军区党委书记符廷贵主持会议,并对贯彻落实五中全会精神作了部署,副书记朱启同志传达了五中全会的基本情况和主要精神。军区党委常委高中兴、李文华、张海阳、邱金凯、董万才、董明祥、冯兆举出席会议。学习讨论中,军区党委常委一致感到,十六届五中全会议题重大、影响深远。胡总书记在全会上的重要讲话,客观全面地反映了十六届四中全会以来党中央 On October 12, the Military Region Party Committee held a standing committee meeting, earnestly conveyed and studied the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, emphasized that we should use the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session to unify our thinking and actions, look at the overall work of the Party and the state, consider planning the troops according to the requirements of the scientific concept of development Construction and better shoulder the heavy responsibility of leading the army building. Fu Tinggui, party secretary of the military region, presided over the meeting and made arrangements for the implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session. Comrade Zhu Qi, deputy secretary, conveyed the basic situation and the main spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session. Senior members of the Military Region Party Committee Zong Zhongxing, Li Wenhua, Zhang Haiyang, Qiu Jin Kai, Dong Wancai, Dong Mingxiang, Feng Zhaoju attended the meeting. In the study and discussion, the members of the Standing Committee of the Military Region Party Committee unanimously felt that the plenary session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee had a major and far-reaching impact. General Secretary Hu’s important speech at the plenary meeting objectively and comprehensively reflected the party Central Committee’s position since the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee
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