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目的:从复极和不应期两个角度,观察不同部位起搏对心力衰竭犬三层心肌跨室壁复极和不应期离散度的影响及其可能的致心律失常机制。方法:正常犬8只和心力衰竭模型犬5只,模拟临床上充血性心力衰竭患者接受心脏再同步治疗的情况,分别从右心室心内膜、左心室心外膜和双心室发放刺激,在体记录和比较犬三层心肌的单相动作电位时程、不应期及其跨室壁离散度。在心力衰竭犬组,给予维拉帕米进行干预并重复上述实验。结果:心力衰竭犬三层心肌的动作电位时程与不应期均有延长,中层心肌动作电位时程延长最明显[(279.30±54.81)ms vs(270.03±57.58)ms,P<0.01],跨室壁复极离散显著增大[(29.80±25.67)ms vs(20.60±12.65)ms,P<0.01],不应期离散有所减小[(29.21±15.83)ms vs(31.25±20.83)ms,P>0.05];左心室心外膜和双心室刺激增加跨室壁复极离散度,但对跨室壁不应期离散度无明显影响;维拉帕米能在一定程度上延长中层和心外膜下心肌的动作电位时程与不应期,减小跨室壁复极和不应期离散[心力衰竭犬给予维拉帕米后(24.50±15.18)msvs正常犬(31.25±20.83)ms,P<0.05]。结论:心力衰竭犬跨室壁复极离散增大、不应期离散减小;维拉帕米减小心力衰竭犬跨室壁复极与不应期离散;左心室心外膜参与的起搏方式对心肌不应期无明显影响,但增大跨室壁复极离散,且这一效应不能被维拉帕米矫正。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of pacing in different parts on the transmural repolarization and refractory period dispersion of three-layer myocardium in dogs with heart failure and its possible mechanism of arrhythmia from repolarization and refractory periods. Methods: Eight normal dogs and five dogs with heart failure model were used to simulate the cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with congestive heart failure. They were stimulated by right ventricular endocardium, left ventricular epicardium and biventricular respectively. Body recording and comparison of single-phase action potential duration, refractory period and cross-wall dispersion in three-layer canine myocardium. In heart failure dogs, verapamil was given interventions and the above experiment was repeated. Results: The duration of action potential and refractory period were prolonged in the three layers of heart of dogs with heart failure, and the prolongation of the action potential of middle myocardium was the most obvious (279.30 ± 54.81 ms vs 270.03 ± 57.58 ms, P <0.01) (29.80 ± 25.67) ms vs (20.60 ± 12.65) ms, P <0.01], and the discrepancy of refractory period was reduced [(29.21 ± 15.83) ms vs (31.25 ± 20.83) ms, P> 0.05]. Left ventricular epicardium and biventricular stimulation increased the transmural repolarization dispersion, but had no significant effect on the non-ventricular septal dispersion. Verapamil could extend the middle layer to a certain extent And epicardial myocardial action potential duration and refractory period, reducing cross-wall repolarization and refractory period dispersion [Heart failure dogs given verapamil (24.50 ± 15.18 msvs normal dogs (31.25 ± 20.83 ) ms, P <0.05]. CONCLUSIONS: In dogs with heart failure, the transmural repolarization dispersion increases and the refractory period decreases discretely. Verapamil decreases the transmural repolarization and refractory period dispersion in dogs with heart failure. The left ventricular epicardium participates in pacing Mode of myocardial refractory period had no significant effect, but increased transmural repolarization dispersion, and this effect can not be corrected verapamil.
心房纤颤(atrial fibrillation,房颤)是临床上最常见的心律失常之一,65岁以上人群发病率5%。房颤造成心排血量下降,心房内血流淤滞,血栓栓塞风险增加。随着医疗技术的发展,房
目的 探讨小儿脑瘫手术应用不同剂量瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚的效果.方法 选择2016年1月~2017年11月收治的60例脑瘫患儿作为研究对象,采用随机数表法分为三组,各20例.A、B、C组微静
目的 探讨病灶-肺组织造影剂到达时间差在判断富血供肺周围型病变性质的应用价值.方法 选取80例富血供肺周围型病变患者,均行穿刺活检或手术病理检查,根据病理结果分为恶性肿
目的 调查厦门市居民的水产品膳食结构,获得其水产品摄入量数据,为评估重金属及持久性有机污染物经水产品膳食摄入所产生的健康风险提供依据.方法 在厦门岛内和岛外通过“知
目的 探索食管闭锁的产前超声检查技术及声像图表现.方法 选取34例疑似食管闭锁的胎儿采用声束经胸骨旁长轴或(和)经主动脉弓旁长轴纵切及连续横切扫查食管、气管,在标准切面
目的 观察经皮椎体成形术(PVP)联合补骨饮颗粒治疗骨质疏松性椎体压缩骨折的临床疗效.方法 将骨质疏松性胸腰椎压缩骨折患者60例按入院顺序随机分为对照组和观察组,每组各30
目的 探讨乳腺结节性非化脓性脂膜炎的超声声像图表现,分析相关临床特点,提高对该疾病的认识及诊断.方法 回顾性分析13例经病理证实为乳腺结节性非化脓性脂膜炎的声像图表现
患者女,33岁.主因体检发现右输尿管结石1个月入院.查体:双肾区无压痛及叩击痛,无尿频、尿急、尿痛及肉眼肉尿.入院第一次超声检查:右肾大小正常,集合系统分离3.3 cm,右输尿管