Antibacterial and Antibiotic-Potentiation Activities of Some Cameroonian Food Plants against Multi-D

来源 :Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liu_kun
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Objective:To evaluate the in vitro antibacterial properties and the ability to potentiate some common antibiotics effects of the methanol extracts of 11 Cameroonian food plants on 29 Gram-negative bacteria expressing multidrug resistant(MDR) phenotypes.Methods:The antimicrobial activity of the extracts was performed using the broth microdilution method.The phytochemical screening of these extracts was also performed using standard methods.Resutts:Ocimum basilicum,Gnetum africanum and Eucalyptus robusta extracts possessed an antibacterial activity against all the 29 studied bacteria.The extracts from G.africanum and E.robusta were the most active with the lowest minimal inhibitory concentration of 64 μg/mL on Escherichia coli AG100 A for both extracts and also against Klebsiella pneumoniae K24 for G.africanum.When tested in the presence of phenylalanine-arginine β-Naphtylamide(PA β N),an efflux pump inhibitor,the extract of Thymus vulgaris and E.Robusta showed the best activities on most tested strains.E.Robusta extract showed good synergistic effects,improving the activity of commonly used antibiotics in about 85%of cases.Conclusion:The overall results obtained provide the baseline information for the use of the tested plants in the treatment of bacterial infections. Objective: To evaluate the in vitro antibacterial properties and the ability to potentiate some common antibiotics effects of the methanol extracts of 11 Cameroonian food plants on 29 Gram-negative bacteria expressing multidrug resistant (MDR) phenotypes.Methods: The antimicrobial activity of the extracts was performed using the broth microdilution method. The phytochemical screening of these extracts was also performed using standard methods. Resutts: Ocimum basilicum, Gnetum africanum and Eucalyptus robusta extracts possessed an antibacterial activity against all the 29 studied bacteria. The extracts from G. africanum and E .robusta were the most active with the minimal inhibitory concentration of 64 μg / mL on Escherichia coli AG100 A for both extracts and also against Klebsiella pneumoniae K24 for G. africanum. Phenomenon in phenylelanine-arginine β-Naphtylamide (PA β N), an efflux pump inhibitor, the extract of Thymus vulgaris and E. Robusta showed the best activities on most tested strains. E. Robusta extract showed good synergistic effects, improving the activity of commonly used antibiotics in about 85% of cases. Conlusion: The overall results obtained provide the baseline information for the use of the tested plants in the treatment of bacterial infections .
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