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在中石油油气生产物联网项目实际的建设过程中,遇到了Modbus/TCP在2G/3G/Mc Will无线网络环境下应用的问题,因现场无线网络可应用频率资源有限,基站最大并发连接数有限,在应用TCP传输层协议就显得捉襟见肘,进而提出了应用UDP协议构建传输层协议,形成Modbus/UDP协议框架。通过对Modbus/UDP协议的研究以及进行实际应用,良好地验证了这个协议的应用是可行的、稳定的、效率高的。
It has been well documented that acute pancreatitis and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) co-occur, and both of them present either as a cause or result of the other
We experienced the autopsy cases that the deceased was alive in emergency room on arrival. Bleeding is the leading cause of preventable death after injury. This
Objectives: To investigate the effect of electrical stimulation of different anatomical variations of sacral surface on early recovery of urinary continence aft
Forensic Medicine and Anatomic Research
Atropine is an anticholinergic drug, used in treatment of spasm and pain. Postmortem blood atropine concentrations tend to be regionally dependent. We reported
Uterine anomalies account for about 4% in the most sampled population. Here we report a case of a 35 years old woman with occasional complaint of suprapelvic “