Temperature dependence of the photoluminescence of MnS/ZnS core–shell quantum dots

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:axun2010
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The temperature dependence of the photoluminescence(PL) from Mn S/Zn S core–shell quantum dots is investigated in a temperature range of 8 K–300 K. The orange emission from the4T1→6A1transition of Mn2+ions and the blue emission related to the trapped surface state are observed in the Mn S/Zn S core–shell quantum dots. As the temperature increases, the orange emission is shifted toward a shorter wavelength while the blue emission is shifted towards the longer wavelength. Both the orange and blue emissions reduce their intensities with the increase of temperature but the blue emission is quenched faster. The temperature-dependent luminescence intensities of the two emissions are well explained by the thermal quenching theory. The temperature dependence of the photoluminescence (PL) from Mn S / Zn S core-shell quantum dots is investigated in a temperature range of 8 K-300 K. The orange emission from the 4T1 → 6A1 transition of Mn2 + ions and the blue emission related to the trapped surface state are observed in the Mn S / Zn S core-shell quantum dots. As the temperature increases, the orange emission is shifted toward a shorter wavelength while the blue emission is shifted towards the longer wavelength. Both the orange and blue emissions reduce their intensities with the increase of temperature but the blue emission is quenched faster. The temperature-dependent luminescence intensities of the two emissions are well explained by the thermal quenching theory.
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