加强交流 拓展合作——’95韩国企业在山东投资研讨会侧记

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十月的青岛,天蓝海碧,一派祥和。山东省政府与韩国驻青岛总领事馆在这里举行了韩国企业在山东投资研讨会。鲁韩双方政府官员及经贸界、企业界的人士,以诚挚友好的精神,回顾成功合作的愉乐,坦言合作的潜力,瞻望美好的前景,使鲁韩合作在新的基础上达成了默契。(一)山东与韩国隔海相望,是一衣带水的近邻,历史上就有大批山东人到韩国开拓创业,目前生活在韩国的近3万名华侨,90%是山东人。山东也是形成韩国道德标准与文化生活基础的儒教的诞生地。因此,鲁韩地理位置相近、历史文化相似、合作优势互补是鲁韩合作的基础。1988年前后,山东就致力于发展同韩国民间的经贸合作。中韩建交前,山东的韩国投资企业就达到179家,合同外资额1.09亿美元,贸易规模由416万美元,发展到7.2亿美元。1992年中韩建交,山东省政府官员赵志浩、李春亭分别率团访问韩国,韩国在青岛设立总领事馆,使鲁韩经贸合作进入了新的发展时期。正如金光东公使所说:物质交流的膨胀,使渤海湾与黄海已成为韩中之间 In October, Qingdao, the sky blue Hai Bi, a school of peace. The Shandong Provincial Government and the Korean Consulate General in Qingdao hosted a seminar on investment by Korean companies in Shandong. The officials of the ROK and South Korea, as well as the people of the economic and business circles and the business community, with their sincere and friendly spirit, recalled the joy of successful cooperation, frankly stated the potential of cooperation, and looked forward to the bright future, which enabled the cooperation between the ROK and the ROK to reach a tacit agreement on a new basis. (1) Shandong and South Korea face each other across the sea, and are close neighbors with a belt of water. In history, a large number of Shandong people went to South Korea to start their own businesses. Nearly 30,000 overseas Chinese living in South Korea currently and 90% are from Shandong. Shandong is also the birthplace of Confucianism that forms the basis of Korean moral standards and cultural life. Therefore, the proximity of Luhan and South Korea to each other, similarities in history and culture, and complementary advantages in cooperation are the basis for cooperation between the two countries. Around 1988, Shandong devoted itself to developing economic and trade cooperation with the Korean people. Before the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, there were 179 South Korean investment companies in Shandong, with a contractual foreign investment of US$109 million, and the trade scale grew from US$4.16 million to US$7.2 billion. In 1992, when China and South Korea established diplomatic relations, Shandong Provincial Government officials Zhao Zhihao and Li Chunting led a delegation to visit South Korea. South Korea established the Consulate General in Qingdao, which has enabled Luhan’s economic and trade cooperation to enter a new period of development. As Kim Kwang-tung says: The expansion of material exchanges has made the Bohai Bay and the Yellow Sea become the same between Korea and China.
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