On the Phubbing Phenomenon from the Perspective of Communicative Action Theory

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  Abstract:The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death,but,when I am in front of you,you are playing mobile phone.It humorously reveals a pervasive phenomenon of the current society—phubbing phenomenon.This paper tried to analyze this phenomenon from the perspective of communicative action theory and offered some advice,hoping to facilitate normal communication among people and reduce the accidents caused by phubbing.
  Key words:Phubbing;Communicative Action Theory
  Lately,it’s reported that a 28-year young woman from Wenzhou fell into river and drowned to death because she was playing phone while she was walking! Nowadays,Phubbing is seen easily almost everywhere.They seem reluctant to talk with people around and just lay down heads and play phones.It really needs serious attention!
  Phubbing phenomenon is actually over-dependence on tool rationality.Therefore,I decided to analyze it from the perspective of Habermas’s communicative action theory.
  2.Communicative Action Theory
  With the overexpansion of tool rationality and loss of value in western society,Habermas put forward the communicative action theory.It proposes that people communicate with each other freely and equally with language to achieve mutual understanding and reach an agreement.
  He classified social behavior into four categories: goal behavior;regulating behavior;dramatic behavior;communicative action.Communicative action takes language as medium.Only communicative action requires people keep the truth,justice,and sincerity of their statements at the same time.Habermas thought that communicative action was more rational than other social behaviors.
  Habermas put forward the social structure model—life world and system.Life world mainly consists of culture,individuality and social order.System refers to the material level such as the politic and economic system.In a society,life world and system should go hand in hand.A disorder of them will lead to the loss of value and distortion of communicative action.
  3.The Communicative Action Theory and Phubbing Phenomenon
  Mobile phones are the language or non-language medium used by people to communicate with each other.They bring us great convenience.It’s the tool rationality belonging to the system area.But some people are so dependent on phones that they ignore communication with people around and just play phones.It’s the distortion of communicative action which belongs to life world.It’s the colonization of life world.   In addition,some people overuse dramatic behavior and ignore regulating behavior in communication by phones.They express feelings,attitude,and values by phones.But it’s not face-to-face communication so people can only guess other’s real feelings and attitude.Gradually,people prefer their roles in the virtual world.
  4.Solutions to Phubbing
  According to the above analysis,tips are as follows:
  Firstly,hold a critical attitude toward tool rationality.There is no denying of the advantages of mobile phones.But people shouldn’t be over-dependent on it.Otherwise,they will be so addicted to it that they ignore study,work,families and friends.Communication on mobile phone can’t replace face-to-face communication.
  Secondly,create an ideal communicating environment.People can communicate with each other freely,equally,democratically,and openly.Sometimes playing phones offers a channel to avoid embarrassment of speechlessness,because they are afraid to be laughed at for their opinions in communication.
  Last but not least,attend outdoor activities and focus on something meaningful.Attending activities can reduce the time spent on phones and people will gradually find it more interesting.People can also read books,travel many places,learn to cook and do many other things.
  The phubbing phenomenon is due to over-dependence on tool rationality and a lack of communicative rationality.Apart from the tips above,sincerity and friendliness may make people more willing to have face-to-face communication.After all,Human beings like interaction with others by nature.
  [1]Habermas J.& Carty,T.M.The Theory of Communicative Action[M].Alphascript Publishing,2010:108.
摘要:我国小班化教学的探究开始于20世纪80年代,90年代以后有了较为广泛的实践。随着高校招生规模的扩大和高高等教育大众化时代的到来,高校的课堂教学呈现班级数量多,班级规模大的特点,这在很大程度上影响了师生互动,从而对教学效果产生不利影响。近年来,高校开始进行小班化、研讨式教学模式的尝试。本文基于《国际问题纵论》课程的小班化教学实践,对高校的小班化教学进行反思,并有针对性的提出若干对策。  关键词
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摘要:在高等院校基础课程中,大学数学是必不可少的组成部分之一,它是素质教育的关键内容。然而受到了传统教学理念和教学方法的影响,大学数学课程的教学效果并不理想,因此亟需优化大学数学课程。笔者采取了分层教学方法,希望能够在一定程度上优化经济管理会计专业的大学数学课程教学,提升教学效果。  关键词:大学数学;课程改革;分层教学  前言  笔者所负责教授的经济管理会计专业中开设了大学数学课程,因为它的难度
摘要:1999年高校扩招以来,招生人数的大幅度提升,引发了学者们对高等教育质量的忧虑。高等教育质量是高校得以存在与发展的命脉。中国高等教育转型对社会的方方面面都带来了困扰,影响了高等教育质量的提升。本文通过综述分析,向大家呈现现阶段的研究情况。  关键词:高等教育、高等教育质量、研究综述  1.高等教育质量基本概念界定  1998年,世界高等教育大会通过了《21世纪的高等教育:展望和行动世界宣言》
摘要:本文以武漢市高职院校大学生的思想状况的调查数据为依据进行简单分析,发现大学生理想信念的主流是积极向上的,并进行了相关分析,发现上网时间等因素对大学生理想信念的影响较为显著,并在此基础上提出相应对策。  关键词:网络文化;高职院校大学生;理想信念教育  2016年12月,习近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上指出:“我国高等教育肩负着培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业建设者和接班人的重大任务
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