
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vbpro
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近年来,随着我国实行改革开放的政策,许多国外的著名港口在我国北京、上海等城市开设了代表处或办事处,而我国也有部分港口在国外派驻过代表,有的港口收到国外船运公司的建议在其总部所在地设立代表机构、或接到国外公司主动要求作为我国港口代表的信函。相信随着我国港口和航运事业的进一步发展,港口派驻国外代表的意义和作用将日益突出,因此对这种新现象有必要作些研究。 设立港口代表处的背景 传统上人们往往认为船运公司是“行商”,要在各地争夺货源,在国内和国外各个港口设立分公司或代表处是顺理成章的;而港口是“坐商”,主要依靠其经济腹地产生的货源,而腹地犹如“囚徒”,是逃不走的,港口应该眼光向内、“苦练内功”,通过改善港口设施和服务、提高港口效率来为国内、国际贸易服务,在内陆腹地设立业务办事处尚可以理解、到国外开设代表处似乎无此必要。 In recent years, with the implementation of the policy of China’s reform and opening up, many well-known foreign ports have set up representative offices or offices in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai in our country. Some of our ports have also represented representatives abroad and some have received foreign ships The proposal of a shipping company sets up a representative office in the place where its headquarters is located or receives a letter from a foreign company voluntarily requesting it as a representative of the port of our country. It is believed that with the further development of China’s ports and shipping businesses, the significance and role of ports in sending overseas representatives will become increasingly prominent. Therefore, it is necessary to make some research on this new phenomenon. BACKGROUND OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PORT REPRESENTATIVES Traditionally, people often consider shipping companies to be “traders.” It is natural for them to compete for supply sources across the country and to set up branch offices or representative offices in various domestic and foreign ports. The port is a “trader”, mainly Depending on the source of supply in its hinterland, the hinterland acts like a “prisoner” and can not escape. The port should look inward and “train hard” to serve domestic and international trade by improving port facilities and services and improving port efficiency It is understandable that the establishment of a business office in an inland hinterland does not seem necessary to open a representative office abroad.
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