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中国文化环境下同时存在暗示“运气”的吉利品名与暗示“能力”的功能品名。虽有研究探讨功能暗示品名对消费者认知的影响,但并无研究探讨吉利暗示品名是否存在同样的效应,也无研究在同一框架下对两类品名进行对比探讨。本研究通过3个系列实验发现,吉利暗示品名同样可以加强消费者的品牌记忆(vs.无暗示),但只有在低控制感的情境下,这种效应才会发生。此外,在对比功能暗示和吉利暗示两类品名的效应时,研究发现,控制感对品名记忆的调节,受到命运观的中介作用。当控制感低时,人们有更强“与命运协商”的信念(NF),从而导致对吉利暗示品名有较高的记忆(vs.无暗示);当控制感高时,人们有较低的“与命运协商”的信念,从而导致对功能暗示品名记忆更高,对吉利暗示品名记忆更低。本文在理论上能够补充并扩展暗示品名理论,对吉利消费理论的完善和本土化发展也具有一定贡献,并为“可协商的命运”这一新理论提供新的数据支持和应用拓展。在实践上,本项目的研究结论将为中国品牌命名提供建议,也为中国的“吉利”营销指出新的思路。 Under the Chinese cultural environment, there are also the names of the auspicious products that imply “luck” and the functional names that imply “ability”. Although studies have investigated the impact of functional implication on consumer perception, there is no study on whether Geely implies that the product name has the same effect or not, and does not study the comparison of the two product categories under the same framework. In three series of experiments, the present study found that Geely suggested that brand names also reinforce consumers’ brand memories (vs. no hint), but this effect only occurs in the context of low control. In addition, when comparing the implication of function and Geely implying the effect of the two types of product names, the study found that the adjustment of brand name control by sense of control is mediated by the concept of fate. When control is low, people have a stronger conviction (NF) that they “negotiate with their destiny,” resulting in a higher memory (but without implication) of Geely’s implied name; people have greater control over Low belief in “negotiating with destiny,” resulting in a higher memory of implied titles, and lower memory of Geely’s implied titles. In theory, this article can supplement and extend the theory of implied title, which also contributes to the consummation and localization of Geely’s consumption theory and provides new data support and application development for the new theory of “negotiable destiny.” In practice, the research conclusions of this project will provide suggestions for naming Chinese brands and point out new ideas for China’s “Geely” marketing.
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