Beauty of Occupation—the Eternal Pursuit of Teaching Occupation

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yesheng1991
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  【Abstract】Teachers are the industrious gardener of human beings and also the bridge of students from ignorant to erudite. The occupation of teaching is said to be the happiest job of mankind for it has set the ladder of wisdom for generation after generation. The author was interested in teaching in the juvenile time, so the author used a winter vacation as the English teacher in the HaoHao training school. The author was mainly to teach students the experience and skills for senior high school entrance examination and analyze examination papers thus to encourage them to work hard for their dreams. Because of this rare practice, the author has thought a lot for the pursuit of the beauty of teaching occupation. The following is the author’s detailed description of it.
  【Key words】teaching occupation; beauty of occupation; pursuit
  First, what is the teacher’s occupational beauty?
  (A) the healthy growth of students and the truth feedback
  The teacher’s occupation is teaching and educating, so the main source of teachers occupational beauty is from students. Students’progress in learning and growth in life are both greatest joys of teachers and also the most direct reflection of the occupational beauty of teachers. Teachers are gardeners sowing hope and these seeds will become more hope in the future. It is very exciting for each teacher to see the student’s score from the passing to the excellent.That is the teacher who gives people knowledge and gains warmth.
  (B) the professional development and occupational achievements of teachers
  The launching of teachers’ teaching activities is not only the requirement of teachers’ professional development, but also the needs of teachers’ achievement of occupational achievements. Teachers make students get the knowledge and feel happy in the teaching activities through various teaching methods, also the teacher integrates the professional knowledge he needs into his teaching emotion and gradually imparts it to his students.This is the embodiment of teachers’ professional development. Even if a little bit of progress of students, help students solve a little ting and the complete teaching effect of a class are teacher’s achievements in teaching also the reflect of teachers’ occupational beauty.
  Second, how to achieve the occupational beauty of teachers
  (A) with a good teacher virtue
  The teacher occupation comes from ancient times. Teachers, the inheritors of civilization have the task of teaching and educating people. Especially in the current era of rapid development of knowledge and economy, teachers have become an important force of social development and shoulder the important task of training high-quality talent for the community. Therefore, the teacher’s own comprehensive literacy is very important, and it will exert a subtle influence on the students. So that the realization of the occupational beauty of teachers must with a good teacher virtue. Teachers should set an example to guide students to establish a correct world view and sense of worth and promote the healthy growth of students. This is the most direct embodiment of the teacher’s beautiful virtue .   (B) with warm and wise words
  The word is an important tool for teachers and students to communicate with each other. It is also an important means for teachers to impart knowledge and understand students. The teacher’s words includes what the teacher says in the course of teaching and after class. These words are both the teaching of knowledge and the direction of being a person. The teacher’s words on the impact of the students are not in a short duration of time, probably the teacher’s one word has affected the student’s whole life. Therefore, Teachers should always pay attention to their words and behaviors in front of students and be good at using words to inspire students’ wisdom.
  In summary, the teacher occupation is clean and pure. Students are teachers’ teaching life and sole. The growth and progress of students is teachers’ most joy. Students’ achievement and development is teachers’ lifelong pursuit. The most beautiful place for teachers is their willingness to dedicate themselves in the absence of flowers and applause. They are willing to enrich themselves with the happiness of students in the plain position. They make themselves feel the real life in the teacher’s occupation and feel the meaning of education, also feel joy that students’ growth bring to them. They let themselves not be vain glory in the vanity world and not follow the crowd.
【摘要】高中泛读课旨在拓宽学生的阅读范围,培养学生阅读兴趣和阅读技巧能力,养成好的阅读习惯。使学生有机会感受真实、地道、优美的英语,提高阅读能力以及语用能力。  【关键词】课外阅读 阅读课堂教学 阅读课的建议  一、课程分析  本节课是高中英语课外泛读课程,所选文章节选自经典英文美文背诵。本课的中心话题是“爱的回报”。  二、学情分析  我所教授的高一(7)班是普通班之一,学生36人,但学生普遍英
【摘要】随着我国教育事业的持续发展,微课在高职英语教学中得到了广泛应用,如何利用微课提升高职英语教学的效率和质量成为了教育人员的重要研究目标。鉴于此,本文就针对微课在高职英语教学中的应用进行深入研究,并提出相应建议以供参考,希望能为微课在高职英语教学中的应用发展提供有效参考价值。  【关键词】微课 高职英语 教学  随着我国进入信息化时代,我国教育行业也逐渐朝着信息化方向不断发展。而高职英语教学的
【摘要】灵活运用思维导图开展初中英语词汇教学就显得异常重要。思维导图又叫做“心智图”,就是结合图画与色彩,用图文并茂的方式来展现知识点,是辅助学习与思考重要的教学工具。因此,认识到思维导图的优点,明确思维导图在初中英语词汇教学中的应用,需要人们进行深入的研究和探讨。  【关键词】思维导图 初中英语 词汇教学  长期以来,词汇教学都是人们关注的热点。这就要求教师要用合适的方法来展开词汇教学。思维导图
【摘要】Friends作为提升英语能力必看剧目之一,是极为典型的美式幽默的喜剧代表,其字幕翻译有众多版本。在关联理论框架下,翻译是一个涉及信息意图和交际意图的明示—推理阐释活动。笔者拟以Friends的陆台两个版本为例,将美式情景喜剧中语言幽默的翻译放在关联理论视角下进行比较分析与研究,是以得出关联理论的导向性、合理性以及可行性即关联理论视角下对幽默字幕翻译的策略及技巧。  【关键词】关联理论 语
【摘要】新课标的实施,初中英语教学的目的不是单纯的让学生考个好成绩,而是要培养和发展学生的英语思维能力,促进学生的各项素质全面发展。初中英语语法教学是学生学习英语,了解英语思维习惯以及英语表达方式的重要途径,教师应该将其贯穿在英语教学中的各个方面,不断的促进学生的英语知识水平的提高,促进学生英语知识运用能力的发展。  【关键词】初中英语 语法教学 思维能力 发展  思维能力是智慧的核心,是一切智力
【摘要】目前我国正兴起MTI热,但是各个MTI培养单位的课程设置缺乏自身特色,千篇一律,没有专业特点,本文从两个方面来探讨如何有效设置MTI课程,一是联系各个培养单位的特色专业,二是扎根于各个培养单位所在区域的实际翻译需求。  【关键词】师资 特色专业 地域性  自从2007年教育部和国务院学位委员会决定设置翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)以来,全国各大高校掀起了MTI热,从2007年至今,共有206所
【摘要】随着我国教育事业的不断发展,新课程标准的出台不仅丰富了初中英语教学的更提升了课堂教学的活力。高效课堂的顺利建立既可以提高学生的英语水平,又可以提升学生对英语的学习热情,为今后的英语学习打下良好的基础。本文主要阐述了新课程背景下的初中英语高效课堂的构建,以及建立高效课堂所采取的措施。  【关键词】初中英语 新课程 高效课堂 教育方式  为了推动我国教育事业快速发展,英语教学必须不断的进行改革
【摘要】词汇是语言教学的一大要素,作为高中必修科目的英语,提高其词汇教学的有效性是至关重要的,这对提升学生英语水平和考试成绩有着难以忽视的作用。本文就高中英语课堂的词汇有效教学方法进行探讨。  【关键词】高中英语 词汇 教学方法 有效性  万丈高楼始于垒土,千里之行始于足下。词汇就如同建筑的基础,逐步掌握英语词汇是尚处语言学习阶段的高中生们的必经之路。教师们应重视词汇教学,用合理的方式方法实现词汇
【摘要】习近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上强调:“要坚持把立德树人作为教育中心环节,把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程,实现全程育人、全方位育人。”英语作为一门语言类学科,更应当在阅读教学中秉持“立德树人”理念,让学生在掌握英语基础知识、提升英语阅读能力的同时,逐步树立起正确的价值观,为培养出对社会有用的高素质人才奠定基础。  【关键词】初中英语 立德树人 主题活动 阅读策略  引言  以往初