Prevalence of Risk Factors for Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases to the National Teaching Hospital “

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Background: In 2008 Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) were responsible for 63% of deaths worldwide and 80% of these deaths occurred in developing countries. Four of them were responsible for more than 80% of mortality from NCDs, which were cardiovascular d
在草鱼整个养殖周期中,二龄草鱼是发病死亡率最高的阶段,特别是每年4—6月,随着水温的升高,多种病原体不断涌现。在高密度的混养池中,二龄草鱼出现大量死亡的情况,其原因是多方面的。本文针对二龄草鱼主要发病症状原因及防治措施介绍如下,以供相关养殖者参考。  一、症状  1.多数死鱼鳃部肿胀、黏液较多,出现烂鳃现象,有的鳃部附有大量淤泥,鳃丝多呈暗红色。  2.病鱼体表大多有程度不一的赤皮、脱鳞、肛门红肿
<正> 一、在探索中发展的投资审计 我省的固定资产投资审计始于1984年3月。伴随着全省审计机关对全省建筑安装企业、事业单位等基本建设单位新产品试制费的就地合规性审计,从
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Aims: Previous studies have suggested that the Framingham coronary heart disease risk prediction equation underestimates risk among people with Type 2 diabetes.