
来源 :太原重型机械学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyuzhang
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在科学实验和生产实践中,经常需要对一些物理量如位移、速度、加速度、应力,应变、温度等进行量测分析,以便对设计、生产工艺、过程控制提供可靠的数据资料,以保证设计、工艺和控制的准确性.随着计算机技术的发展,数据采集系统已经历了几代改造、更新,其精度和采集速度大大提高.但是无论进口的或国产的价格都很昂贵.对专业行业推广使用比较困难.我院锻压专业的教师,根据专业学科的特殊要求,研制出的DAS—4/16数据采集系统,既能满足锻压行业专业测试的需要,又使仪器成本降低,达到较高的性能价格比.该系统具有以下特点. In scientific experiments and production practice, it is often necessary to measure and analyze some physical quantities such as displacement, velocity, acceleration, stress, strain and temperature so as to provide reliable data for design, production process and process control so as to ensure that design, Technology and control accuracy.With the development of computer technology, data acquisition system has undergone several generations of transformation, updating, the accuracy and acquisition speed greatly improved, but regardless of the price of imported or domestic are very expensive .Professional industry promotion The use of more difficult.Our hospital forging professional teachers, according to the special requirements of professional disciplines, developed DAS-4/16 data acquisition system, not only forging industry professional testing needs, but also to reduce the cost of the instrument to achieve higher The performance-to-price ratio The system has the following features.
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