采取有力措施 切实加强建设——农八师石河子市思想政治工作的基本做法

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近年来,特别是去年以来,农八师、石河子市各级党组织采取有力措施,切实加强和改进新形势下的思想政治工作,着重在调查研究、制定措施和典型带动等三个方面做了一些扎实而有效的工作,为迎接西部大开发中石河子的大开放、大开发和大发展提供了强有力的精神动力和政治保证。抓调研摸清现状认清形势,牢牢把握思想政治工作主动权。新的形势和任务,使师市思想政治工作遇到了许多新情况新问题。在这种情况下,师市党委一班人充分认识到思想政治工作“生命线”的地位和作用,思考在先,工作在前。1998年,国有企业效益不好,下岗人员增多,就业压力加大,部分企业职工生活困难,师市党委多次召开会议,分析企业经济形势和职工思想动态,及时下发了《关于做好当前思想政治工作的通知》。1999年,农牧团场因农产品价格下调 In recent years, especially since last year, N8 and Shihezi party organizations at all levels have taken effective measures to conscientiously strengthen and improve ideological and political work in the new situation, focusing on three aspects: investigation and research, formulation of measures and typical driving Some solid and effective work provided a powerful spiritual motivation and political guarantee for the great opening up, great development and great development of Shihezi in the great development of the western region. Grasping the Situation to Find Out the Situation and Firmly Grasping the Initiative in Ideological and Political Work. The new situation and tasks have caused many new situations and problems encountered by the teachers and students in their ideological and political work. Under such circumstances, a group of party members and party committees in cities and municipalities fully realized the status and role of ideological and political work in “lifeline”, thinking first and working first. In 1998, the efficiency of state-owned enterprises was poor, the number of laid-off workers increased, the pressure of employment increased, and the lives of employees in some enterprises were difficult. The party committees of municipal and municipal governments met many times to analyze the economic situation of enterprises and the trends of staff and workers and timely issued the “ Ideological and political work notice. ” In 1999, the prices of agricultural products dropped due to the prices of agricultural products
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我们对肝硬变代偿期以及失代偿期的3种并发症进行血清胆碱酯酶(ChE)活力测定,并与20例健康体检者比较,报告如下。 We measured serum cholinesterase (ChE) activity in 3
弥漫性肺疾患是指不论由何种病因引起的肺部病变,只要X 线胸片呈弥漫性阴影时,都称为弥漫性肺疾病。其种类很多,截止目前报道的已有100多种。因它们在临床表现、X线征象、肺
宽带上网虽比拨号右优势,但也并不是一点故障都不出。所以有了故障要一步步慢慢查找。首先就是看 ADSL Modem 数据指示灯是否亮,如果亮则说明接入没有问题。这时就要查 ADSL
为了解和掌握本地区人畜间包虫病的感染情况,1987年6月至11月,对新疆霍城县果子沟牧场人畜间包虫病的感染情况进行了调查。结果报告如下。 一、调查对象:人间查5岁以上70岁
生态环境和人类生存与发展息息相关。两汉时期 ,生态环境的质量较先秦而言大为下降 ,引起了当时诸多人士的重视 ,他们为此提出了自己的观点 ,使得生态思想成为这一时期宏丰文化遗产之一部分。本文根据历史文献的有关记载 ,对秦汉时期生态思想的几个方面进行爬梳和探讨 ,力求全面地反映其真实的概貌。本文第一部分论述的是秦汉时期生态思想的基本方面 ,即关于自然界与人类社会间应有的和谐与统一关系的思考 ,认为这一思想具有辩证法“合理的内核” ;第二部分勾勒了生态保护措施主张 ;最后 ,在宏观上对这一时期的生态思想予以简要