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文化部所属院校成人高等教育招生工作会议于5月12日至14日在宁夏银川市召开。会议由文化部教育科技司主办,宁夏自治区文化厅承办。部属中央文化管理干部学院及分部、中央音乐学院、中国音乐学院、北京舞蹈学院、中国美术学院六所院校及全国部分省、市、自治区的招生代办单位参加了此次会议。会议的主要内容是讨论部属院校成人高等教育艺术类招生工作的改革方案,交流招生代办工作情况,理顺招生院校与代办单位的关系,加强代办工作的各个环节,提高成人高等教育招生工作的效率,增进院校与代办单位的联系。通过为期三天的会议,代表们对招生工作有了进一步的了解与认识。通过沟通,大家一致认为,成人艺术类招生工作由于具有其特殊性,多年来从事这项工作的同志付出了许多心血,才使我部的成人教育工作取得 The Ministry of Culture affiliated institutions adult higher education enrollment work conference was held in Yinchuan, Ningxia from May 12 to 14. The meeting was sponsored by the Education and Science Department of the Ministry of Culture and undertaken by the Culture Department of Ningxia Autonomous Region. The subordinate Central Institute of Cultural Management cadres and divisions, the Central Conservatory of Music, China Conservatory of Music, Beijing Dance Academy, China Academy of Art six institutions and some provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of the admissions agency units attended the meeting. The main content of the conference is to discuss the reform plan for enrollment of adult higher education art students in the affiliated institutions, to exchange information on the work of enrollment agents, to rationalize the relationship between the institutions of entry and the agencies, to strengthen all aspects of agency work, and to enhance enrollment of adult higher education The efficiency, enhance the institutions and agency contact. Through the three-day conference, delegates got a better understanding of enrollment. Through communication, we all agree that because of its particularity, the adult art enrollment work has paid so much attention to the comrades engaged in this work over the years that the adult education work in our ministry has been made
从中国网络通信有限公司获悉 ,由其承担建设与运营的中国网通宽带高速互联网 (CNCnet )一期工程经过十五个月的紧张工作于日前开通并投入试运营。该工程一期工程已建成八千四